Leaks Report a New Game Mode Might Soon be Coming to CS:GO

Aditya Singh Rawat
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Leaks Report a New Game Mode Might Soon be Coming to CS:GO
  • A new game mode might be introduced to CS:GO in the coming future.

  • A Reddit user has reported planned changes to both Mirage and Inferno for the upcoming game mode.

  • If the speculations are true then this will be the second game mode introduced to CS:GO after Danger Zone.  

It looks like the CS:GO update released on 10th June by Valve packed a lot more than what was mentioned in the update log. A day after finding out that players could actually play tic-tac-toe on Inferno, evidence suggesting an upcoming new game mode for CS:GO has taken the community by storm.

The information which was brought to light by Reddit user ‘Forest_Technicality’ seems to be pointing towards a possible new game mode for CS:GO. After data-mining through the update, the user found the following pieces of evidence suggesting that official retake servers could soon be making their way into official matchmaking,

  • A set of ‘togglable barriers’ were found on both A and B site on Mirage, they were named ‘retake.asite’ and ‘retake.bsite’ respectively.

    Such barriers have been used before to convert regular 5v5 maps into wingman maps. But at the moment these barriers found by the users are disabled and no option currently exists to activate them, also there are no associated spawn points and the script file needed to run a retake game mode was also not found.

Leaks Report a New Game Mode Might Soon be Coming to CS:GO
  • The user found a total of five 1v1 arenas on Mirage, which suggests that a future update might support wingman or a retake game mode on the map, that could use the 1v1 arenas for warmup.

  • Further snooping around by the user revealed that all the five 1v1 arenas will possibly be using a non-skybox version of the map with more details and no compression.

  • Apart from Mirage, the user found similar evidence for Inferno which points towards the map getting an update for the retake game mode as well.

Leaks Report a New Game Mode Might Soon be Coming to CS:GO

The user concluded that these were the only two maps which pointed towards a possible future retake game mode as no other map had anything special. For more evidence on the same click here.

The last time CS:GO introduced a new game mode was well more than a year back in December 2018 when the game also went free-to-play. The battle-royale game mode called 'Danger Zone' was added to Counter-Strike’s arsenal to incorporate the trending gaming genre of that time while simultaneously attempting to boost the depleting userbase.

Since then despite an initial backlash and heavy criticism against the half-hearted battle royale game mode, a separate skill bracket was introduced for it along with a plethora of new changes to revamp the game mode.

Something similar might be brewing once again as community-run retake and execute servers are very popular and players do enjoy playing them for fun or for warm-up before jumping into official matchmaking. It will surely be great to have official servers running such game modes, as it will improve the overall quality of games while also being popular amidst the majority of playerbase.

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Aditya is the in-house CS:GO writer at AFK Gaming. While his understanding of the esports space is not restricted by geographical borders, his current focus lies in the Asian region. Understands and follows almost all major esport titles.