Wild Rift Patch 3.0a: Full Notes and Updates


Wild Rift Patch 3.0a: Full Notes and Updates

John Dave Rossel
Updated On: 
The Wild Rift Patch 3.0a full notes and updates have been revealed containing a slew of balance changes and new skins.
The patch update mainly focuses on applying champion and gameplay adjustments which may affect the current meta.
The Wild Rift Voice Chat feature is now available for testing in the game.

League of Legends: Wild Rift Patch 3.0a full notes and updates have been revealed by Riot Games. Wild Rift Patch 3.0a update delivers a slew of balance changes for champions, items, and runes that may have a significant impact on the current meta. Aside from the balance changes and new skins in the Wild Rift Patch 3.0a update, the highly requested voice chat feature has returned to the game for beta testing. Depending on the feature’s performance, it may be removed at a later date or become a permanent addition in the future. The new content will be added separately throughout the month of February.

New Skins for Olag and Kennen

Two new skins will be added on 24th Feb. The two new skins are Dragon Slayer Olaf and Infernal Kennen.

Two new skins are coming for Wild Rift Patch 3.0a.

Wild Rift Patch 3.0a Champion Changes


The range of his Bandage Toss is slightly increased.

Bandage Toss

  • Range: 8.5 → 9


A slight nerf to her damage and utility.

Tactical Sweep

  • Outer cone bonus damage: 6/7/8/9% of target’s max HP → 4/5/6/7% of target’s max HP

The Hextech Ultimatum

  • Damage: 100/150/200 + 10/15/20% of target’s current health → 30 + 15/20/25% of target’s current health

  • Zone duration: 2.5/3.25/4 → 2/3/4


A slight buff to his damage to keep him in line with other powerful marksmen.

Whirling Death

  • Bonus AD ratio: 110% → 130%


A slight buff to his base stats to make sure he can clear jungle camps and gank efficiently.


Base Attack Damage: 64 → 70


Base Stats

  • Base Attack Damage: 58 → 52

Hextech Capacitor

  • Movement speed: 40 → 30

To The Skies!/ Shock Blast

  • Acceleration Gate bonus damage: 50% → 40%


A slight buff to her Death Lotus to help Katarina assassinate champions and make a bigger impact in teamfights.

Death Lotus

  • AP ratio: 260% → 280%

Lee Sin

A slight nerf to his mobility to give enemies a chance to catch him off guard.


  • Cooldown: 15s → 17s


A slight nerf to her damage to give enemies a fighting chance when facing Morgana.

Base Stats

  • Armor: 30 → 35

Tormented Shadow

  • Base damage: 8/14/20/26 → 6/12/18/24

Soul Shackles

  • AP ratio: 2% of target’s maximum health per 100 AP → 1.5% of target’s maximum health per 100 AP


Sett gets nerfed in the game.

A slight nerf to his early game power .

Base Stats

  • Attack Damage: 58 → 52

  • Base bonus Attack Speed: 20% → 10%

  • Attack Speed per level: 2.2% → 1.7%

Pit Grit

  • Right Punch bonus physical damage: 6 × Level → 5 × Level

Knuckle Down

  • Bonus damage against monsters: 200 → 100


A slight nerf to her Silver Bolts to give enemies a chance to punish her during the laning phase.

Silver Bolts

  • Active healing: 60% of damage dealt → 40% of damage dealt

  • Active cooldown: 16/15/14/13 → 18/17/16/15

Wild Rift Patch 3.0a Item and Rune Changes

Archangel’s Staff/ Seraph’s Embrace

Archangel’s Staff

  • Ability haste: 25 → 20

Seraph’s Embrace (Upgrade)

  • Ability haste: 25 → 20

  • Lifeline shield value: 15% of current mana + 150 → 15% current mana + 100

Serrated Dirk

  • Armor penetration: 10 → 8

Edge of Night

  • Armor penetration: 10 → 8

Youmuu’s Ghostblade

  • Armor penetration: 10 → 12

Umbral Glaive

  • Armor penetration: 10 → 12

Inspiration: Mastermind

Mastermind is currently granting too much economic value to junglers, while also improving their clear speeds. A slight nerf will be implemented to make jungle clearing more challenging.

  • Gold bonus on objective kill: 120 → 40

Free-To-Play Champion Rotation for February 2022

  • Feb 16 - Feb 20: Akali, Evelynn, Morgana, Pantheon, Rakan, Rammus, Vayne, Veigar, Wukong, Xayah

  • Feb 20 - Feb 27: Alistar, Corki, Jayce, Katarina, Kennen, Nunu & Willump, Orianna, Rengar, Senna, Varus

A new feature that was not mentioned in the Wild Rift Patch 3.0a: patch notes is the return of the voice chat functionality. Players should take note that this feature is still in its beta testing phase and may receive more changes or adjustments in the future.

Players can now activate voice chat in-game.

Riot Games

The champion and gameplay changes that the Wild Rift Patch 3.0a update brings could potentially shake up the meta and open up more possibilities for more champions to shine in the game.

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John has been reporting developments on major mobile MOBA titles such as Mobile Legends, Wild Rift, and Arena of Valor for over two years. He also understands and follows various other PC/Mobile games such as League of Legends, Crossfire, Warcraft and more.

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