How To Get Zygarde Cells in Pokemon Go?

Aditi Joshi
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>How to Get Zygarde Cells in Pokemon Go?</p></div>
How to Get Zygarde Cells in Pokemon Go?


Zygarde is a grass-type, dragon pokemon which was introduced in Pokemon Go recently, alongside ‘Routes’.
Routes is a great feature that allows players to capture Zygarde cells.
To collect more and more cells, you will also need a Zygarde cube. Let us take a look at how you can find it all.

Can you imagine the destruction that a Zygarde can cause? Well, yes, since it is one of the most powerful Pokemon in the Pokeverse. But to make it more powerful, you need to evolve this Legendary Pokemon to its complete form. To do that, you will need Zygarde cells. The only catch is that these Zygarde cells are pretty hard to find. However, once you do find them, victory is just a few steps away.

Before we envision a world ruled by Zygarde, let us first find the Zygarde cells in Pokemon Go. Here's all you need to know about what these cells are and where to find them in the game.


Zygarde Pokemon & Its Three Forms

Zygarde is a grass type, dragon pokemon that was first introduced in Pokemon X and Y. Recently, it was introduced in Pokemon Go along with a brand new feature in the game called ‘Routes’. This is an integral part of finding Zygarde cells in the game. Here's how:

This powerful Pokemon can be evolved to unleash its full potential in three forms - 10% form, 50% form and 100% form. Their numerical increment is directly proportional to their growth in power. Zygarde cells are required to evolve these to the next best form until one reaches the 100% form. 

A Zygarde's growth

Finding Zygarde Cells in Pokemon Go

To find Zygarde cells in Pokemon Go, one must establish one’s own route or follow other player’s routes. If you choose to follow a route created by other trainers, it definitely eases out a lot of burden. Following a route set by another trainer simply means walking in their footsteps. These routes can help players stumble upon some pretty cool sights while also discovering items and Pokemon that are integral to the game. 

When you are following a route, it may happen that you come across some shiny, silvery-yellowish things. These are the Zygarde cells! But here’s another catch for you: in order to collect them, you will require the Zygarde cube. And obviously, you’ll need a Zygarde to upgrade it. 

How to Capture Zygarde and Zygarde Cube?

Once you get the hang of the game, get started with the ‘A to Zygarde’ Special Research Task. Among a plethora of rewards, you will receive a 10% form of Zygarde. Since our goal is to collect more Zygarde cells, Zygarde can be made more powerful. 

Zygarde Cells

Completing the tasks involves walking on three routes and catching 20 Pokemon at the same time. Once one is able to fulfill these requirements, they can get ready to welcome a Zygarde to their Pokemon roster. Upon completion of these tasks, you will also receive a Zygarde cube, which will help you collect and store Zygarde cells. 

Last but not least, players will require more than 250 Zygarde cells to evolve a Zygarde to its complete form. This can be quite a long feat to complete, so keep grinding. 

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Aditi Joshi is an English Literature student who indulges in the world of gaming when she's not working. She finds enjoyment in the immersive world of gaming.