Fly Talks About State of Dota 2 in North America: "NA is just a graveyard"

Dorjee Palzang
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>North American Dota 2 Region is Just a Graveyard Says nouns’ Fly</p></div>
North American Dota 2 Region is Just a Graveyard Says nouns’ Fly


nouns's team captain and support Fly reveals the poor state of North American Dota 2 server
He said most North American players have already migrated to European Dota 2 servers
fly was not the first to echo this sentiment as popular NA Dota 2 players like Quinn and BSJ had also talked about the poor state of the server

Nouns support and team captain, Tal "Fly" Aizik, recently spoke to Dota 2 commentators and analyst, Conner “Mathmagician10” Chapman and Paulo "ace" Camerino, during a post-game interview about the state of North American (NA) Dota 2.

Fly, being a part of a North American Dota 2 organization revealed that most professional players from the region play in the European servers despite the high latency. He reasoned that NA servers had garnered a bad reputation for being less competitive and were treated as a joke.

Over the past few years, jokes like 'NA Top 100 Ranked Player' is equal to 'Ranked 1000 Player in Europe' have been rampant across the Dota 2 community.

Fly Revaels the Dilapidated State of North American Dota 2 Servers

During a recent post-game interview at Elite League, nouns team captain and support Fly revealed the dilapidated state of the NA Dota 2 servers. 

While talking about the state of these servers he said, “NA is just a graveyard. We just... nobody on my team plays on the NA server. It's sad. Um, I think it's mostly just the Peruvians who play on it now because they're ping to Europe, I think it's close to 200, maybe less, 150 to 200. So it's kind of crazy. So they just have to play in NA, and everybody else has migrated to Europe. That's just the reality.

Highlighting the state of neglect the NA servers faces due to poor standards of Dota 2 gameplay, Fly’s revelation of most NA-based players playing in European servers suggests a strong urge within the NA Dota 2 community to become better at the game.

Fly is not one of the first to echo this sentiment as back in 2022, Quinn "Quinn" Callahan from Gaimin Gladiators based out of North America was blunt about stating that NA was the worst region in the world for Dota 2.

Quinn had said “Yeah. It’s the worst region in the world by far. NA Dota is pretty dead. I imagine it will only decline from here. The only thing that saves NA at this point is imports from the big teams because they have money. Other than that, nothing’s really saving the region. It’s kind of just forever dead.”

Popular Dota 2 streamer and content creator Brian "BSJ" Canavan from North America also echoed this sentiment earlier in 2021. He attributed the poor state of the server to poor player mentality, high toxicity in the community, and low quality of players all around.

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Dorjee is an avid Dota enthusiast, he has been playing the game since it was just a map in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne back in 2009, he transitioned to Dota 2 in 2014 and can't stop playing ever since!