Gorgc Says He Could Try Taking Up dyrachyo's Role in Gaimin Gladiators

Dorjee Palzang
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Gorgc Says He Could Try Taking Up dyrachyo's Role in Gaimin Gladiators</p></div>
Gorgc Says He Could Try Taking Up dyrachyo's Role in Gaimin Gladiators


During one of his recent streams, popular Dota 2 streamer Gorgc talked about which pro team he would join
He said he could try his shot at dyrachyo's role and that he would at least fake it till he makes it.

During one of Janne "Gorgc" Stefanovski’s usual streams, a viewer put forth a very interesting and thought-provoking question to the popular Dota 2 streamer. The question read, “What’s a pro team you would join right now?” Gorgc replied that negotiations are pending for teams he’d like to join as a streamer. However, he opined that, as a pro player, he could take Gaimin Gladiators’ Anton "dyrachyo" Shkredov’s role or at least give it a shot. Although Gorgc is a streamer, he has had some experience as a professional player in the past, playing for Team Bald. 

Gorgc’s Choice of Team if He Were to Play Professionally

Gorgc is one of the most popular Dota 2 personalities in the community and during a recent stream, he talked about which team he would potentially join as a player. Gorgc said, “I would like to be.. Well, I mean as a streamer? I don’t know, that’s a negotiation pending. As a player, you know? I feel like you can squeeze me into dyrachyo’s role and I can dyrachyo it up a little bit you know? I could maybe fake it till I make it there you know? I hope so.

He added, “I wanna join a super good team so I can get free wins. And I wanna join a team where I don’t have to solo carry the game cause it’s too stressful. I feel like Gaimin [Gladiators] got a good thing going, you know? dyrachyo’s job is to make space. I feel like I can maybe make space. Not as well as him, like dyrachyo. I’m not a multi-major winner but I can try. I can try.”

Although Gorgc was optimistic about replacing dyrachyo as the carry for Gaimin Gladiators, he made it clear that he could not play as well as him. He also talked about how if he had to replace Illya "Yatoro" Mulyarchuk in Team Spirit he would not be able to do so because he can’t make plays like Yatoro.

It should be noted that Gorgc was only ideating and did not assert he could replace dyrachyo. Those who follow Gorgc know that his streams are filled with a variety of statements and comments in passing like these. 

Gorgc has played a few professional games over the years but there were mostly tier 2-tier 3 tournaments. He hasn’t found much success in that space either. His last tournament was the DPC WEU 2023 Tour 1: Division II in 2023 with Team Bald where he secured the 8th place.

Gorgc’s last ties with a professional esports team was during his time as a content creator for OG. He organized some memorable streams and watch parties called the “The Monkey Business Hub”' during The International 2023 but, in a surprising twist, was let go by the organization in December 2023. As of now, he is back to his normal streaming sessions on stream with no affiliation to any professional Dota 2 organizations.

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Dorjee is an avid Dota enthusiast, he has been playing the game since it was just a map in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne back in 2009, he transitioned to Dota 2 in 2014 and can't stop playing ever since!