Arteezy's Blunt Take on Europe Pubs: A Battle of Nerds

Dhruv Saikia
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Arteezy at Epicenter</p></div>
Arteezy at Epicenter


Artour “Arteezy” Babaev is back in the spotlight after making another bold statement about European pub games.
He says that the players who play on EU servers are nerds and will do anything it takes to win the +20 mmr.
His candid statement highlights the competitive nature of the region and how even the pub games can often be grueling to win.

Artour “Arteezy” Babaev, the renowned carry player for Shopify Rebellion, a dominant team in the Dota Pro Circuit (DPC) North America (NA) 2023 Tour 3: Division I, is known for his high mechanical prowess and skill. Recently, Arteezy shared his unfiltered thoughts on Europe pubs, shedding light on the competitive landscape in the region. While the European (EU) region in competitive Dota 2 is often considered the strongest, with teams like Gaimin Gladiators and Team Liquid dominating the international landscape, the EU pub games may be of a different quality. Arteezy believes that players that play EU pubs will do anything to win their +20 mmr, including last-picking Terrorblade, Naga Sirens, and Dooms.

Arteezy's Candid Assessment: "F*cking Nerds" in Europe Pubs

Arteezy pulls no punches when describing EU pubs, labeling the players as nerds. He expresses his frustration over players being able to last-pick heroes like Terrorblade even in situations where the pick seems very obvious. Alongside Terrorblade, Naga Siren and Doom are two other heroes that the player vents about, stating that players just want the +20 mmr from each game.

“Europe pubs is just f*cking nerds, legit. I watch some of these streams in the morning and people are just last-picking Terrorblade in the most free Terrorblade games and people have no shame. There is a doom every game, there are last-pick nagas, last-pick Terrorblades, and everyone’s just a f*cking loser. They want that +20 mmr. If you don’t do it you’re just gonna lose,” he said.

Arteezy's candid remarks extend beyond EU pubs, as he has been known to be critical of both NA and EU scenes. He does not hold back when sharing his opinions on the pub game environment in these regions, such as calling the US servers “dogsh*t” and also calling the EU servers “trash” and “easier than NA” in the past. While Europe pubs may have drawn his recent attention, Arteezy's frank assessment spans various regions, which may indicate that he does not favor any particular region when it comes to the quality of his pub games.

Recently returning to streaming, Arteezy's broadcasts have been filled with memorable moments. From showcasing his exceptional mechanical skill with impressive gameplay to revealing his frustrations, he provides viewers with a unique perspective of his character.

One such incident involved Arteezy abandoning a game after dying 9 times in just 16 minutes, showcasing that even the best players in the world occasionally tilt in their games.

Arteezy's blunt take on Europe pubs underscores the intensely competitive nature of the region, with players relentlessly pursuing victory even for just +20 MMR. With his qualification for the Bali Major 2023 and The International 12, Arteezy and Shopify Rebellion are poised to highlight their abilities on the big stages.

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Since 2012, Dhruv has developed a deep passion for Dota 2, which has only grown stronger over time. With three years of experience as a competitive player and a background in writing, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to create content around the game and its esports scene.