Former Geek Fam Player Karl Crosses 11K MMR

Rakshak Kathuria
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Former Geek Fam Player Karl Crosses 11K MMR


  • Ex-Geek Fam player Karl became the 5th player to reach the 11K MMR mark.
  • It took Karl only 21 days to reach from 10K to 11K MMR.
  • The average age of five young players who have reached 11K MMR is just 19.4.

Karl "Karl" Jayme, the Filipino professional Dota 2 player who last played for Geek Fam, has just become the 5th player to reach a landmark of 11K MMR. He joins the likes of epileptick1d, gpk, 23savage and Abed who are the only players who have reached this mark previously. 

RELATED:  EG Stand In gpk Hits 11k MMR

Karl- Another Young Prodigy In the 11K MMR Club

In a Facebook post by Karl, he shared his achievement of reaching 11K MMR. 

Karl has not only become only the 5th person to do so but has also become the fastest out of the five to reach this spectacular feat of 11K MMR from 10K MMR. He reached the 10K MMR mark on September 18, 2020.  So it has taken only 21 days for the superstar to grind 1,000 MMR and touch the pinnacle of 11,000. 

An interesting fact was stated by u/AndiKod on the reddit threat of Karl’s achievement, 

“At that point, the gap in mmr points between a fresh Immortal and Karl... can already be greater than between an Herald and a Divine. So the last "Medal" covers (or will cover) more mmr span than all the rest combined.”

Another thing that is worth noticing is that all five who have crossed 11K MMR are relatively young players. As a matter of fact, the combined average age of Karl, epileptick1d, gpk, Abed and 23savage is merely 19.4. This certainly exemplifies the talent that these young geniuses possess.

RELATED:  Geek Fam Releases Its Dota 2 RosterEx

Despite his obvious skill level, Karl is currently without a team as his former team Geek Fam disbanded in early September 2020 due to the ongoing pandemic and insufficient support for the pro scene from Valve. However, considering Karl’s outstanding skill-set, it will not be long till he gets signed to a Tier 1 team and gets to play with some of the most established players in the scene. 

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As a passionate Dota 2 fan for eight years, Rakshak has indulged himself completely in its esports circuit for the past two years as a professional. In addition to covering major news developments, he takes a keen interest in understanding team strengths and player personalities.