Counter-Strike Can Now be Played on Nintendo DS, Creator Shows Dust 2 Gameplay

Counter-Strike remains truly timeless!

Aditya Singh Rawat
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Counter-Strike Can Now Be Played On Nintendo DS</p></div>
Counter-Strike Can Now Be Played On Nintendo DS


AFK Gaming

A game and software programmer who goes by the name of ‘Fewnity’ has created an alpha version of Counter-Strike for Nintendo DS.
He also released a detailed walkthrough of the game, showcasing how it works through the Nintendo DS and Counter-Strike gameplay on Dust 2.
There are a lot of exciting features like utilization of the Nintendo DS' touchscreen for aiming, glimpses of cross-platform gameplay, compatibility with Nintendo's Rumble Pak, and more.

A game and software programmer who goes by the name of ‘Fewnity’ has been working on creating Counter-Strike for Nintendo DS since early 2021. He recently released an alpha version of the game for the handheld gaming console along with a detailed walkthrough of the game on Dust 2.

For the creator, this is a personal project on which he has been working for almost a year now. He had posted short demo gameplay in May 2021, which at the time the game was still under development but now it is more complete and utilizes the device much better.

The gameplay shows that the version of Counter-Strike being used by the creator is slightly different, this is due to the game being recreated from scratch as no direct Source Engine to Nintendo DS port option is available.

Nintendo DS users can now play counter-strike on their handheld devices

A CS:GO fan, Fewnity, who is also a game and software developer has ported Counter-Strike for Nintendo DS as part of his personal project which he started around February last year. He has made considerable progress across the months, releasing the alpha version of the game a day after Christmas on 26th December 2021.

Not only did he release the game but also a detailed walkthrough, showcasing how it works on the device and the gameplay on Dust 2. A few points of interest are as follows,

  • The touchscreen at the bottom is basically the main interface, a combination of both a mouse and a keyboard which the user can be seen operating with a stylus. This setup seems a bit intricate the way multiple controls are linked to it, but one can get a hang of it over time.

  • All the game options like game modes, side selection, scoreboard, main menu, weapon purchase, and more come up as clickable text tiles.

Counter-Strike game mode selection on Nintendo DS
  • While playing the game, the bottom touch screen of the Nintendo DS works as the directional output. Users can aim and look around in-game with the help of the stylus, this might again require some getting used to as it is the most important aspect of the game.

  • There are a few options in the form of clickable tiles on the side of the bottom touch screen that appear while the user is playing, allowing them to toggle the map, switch weapons, and more.

Counter-Strike map on Nintendo DS
  • Physical buttons are used for giving movement inputs, firing of weapons, reloading them, and other such commands.

Fewnity goes on to play multiple rounds of Counter-Strike against bots, showcasing different aspects and mechanics of the game. However, there are a few basic things still missing from the alpha version like utilities, equipments, and unavailability of the multiplayer game mode.

However, this does not seem to be a dealbreaker as Nintendo DS users will be playing the game for free, those interested can download the game now and start popping heads.

The multiplayer mode might not be too far as Fewnity has previously shared an image showcasing cross-platform Counter-Strike gameplay between a PS Vita and a Nintendo DS.

Counter-Strike cross play between Nintendo DS and PS Vita

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Aditya is the in-house CS:GO writer at AFK Gaming. While his understanding of the esports space is not restricted by geographical borders, his current focus lies in the Asian region. Understands and follows almost all major esport titles.