Interview With Da Kun Gaming You: The Unstoppable Chinese Wild Rift Team

John Dave Rossel
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Interview With Da Kun Gaming You: The Unstoppable Chinese Wild Rift Team</p></div>

Interview With Da Kun Gaming You: The Unstoppable Chinese Wild Rift Team

, Cover-Credits: 

AFK Gaming

The semifinals of the League of Legends (LoL): Wild Rift Horizon Cup 2021 saw the Chinese teams defending their undefeated titles in the tournament. One of the unbeatable teams was Da Kun Gaming who dominated and won against the fan-favorite Team Secret after a 3-1 match score.

Da Kun Gaming has been one of the most dominant Wild Rift teams in the region. The team qualified for the Horizon Cup 2021 after winning the championship title in the Wild RIft Spark Invitational 2021. Though they are yet to be part of the Wild Rift Professional League in China, Da Kun Gaming has proven that they are more than capable to earn that title soon.

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