Why is the LCS a Special Phenomenon?

Sadakshi Kalyan Ramun
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Doublelift, Bjergsen, and Fudge</p></div>

Doublelift, Bjergsen, and Fudge

, Cover-Credits: 

AFK Gaming

The North American League Championship Series (LCS) has been the gateway into the realm of esports for many Western fans. Team chants blasting through the roof, Mexican waves electrifying the stands, venues reverberating from an artist’s performance - the LCS has given it all to esports fans, making it one of the most celebrated professional esports leagues in the world.

The start of the 2022 League of Legends competitive scene also marks the 10-year anniversary of the LCS. Although the LCS might not hold a powerful position internationally yet, it has been putting up a valiant fight against the international giants of the League of Legends esports scene.

Personally, the LCS truly introduced me to the enormous world of esports. As a teenager who was new to League of Legends, the LCS helped me fall in love with the game and the endless possibilities it presented. From finding simple joy in watching stellar gameplay and learning the current meta, it taught me the fundamentals of esports.

Just watching a couple of games live on Twitch got me totally hooked on the game. After numerous Google searches and a mini YouTube binge session later, I was convinced that the game’s esports scene was truly wild and entertaining. What started as a fascination for League of Legends transcended into a love for the LCS, its teams, and its players.

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