Is the TSM Dynasty in Danger of Crumbling?

Sadakshi Kalyan Ramun
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>TSM</p></div>


, Cover-Credits: 

AFK Gaming

Team SoloMid (TSM) is one of the biggest esports brands in the world and its origins go all the way back to the very beginning of League of Legends esports. The organization has played a key part in transforming North American esports into the industry giant that it is today. Its monochrome colors, minimalistic yet sophisticated jersey design, chants of baylife, the ardent fans, and its infamous logo amalgamate into one thing – a larger-than-life esports organization loved and cherished by many across the world. Donning the TSM colors and repping the team is still a dream for many young, aspiring esports athletes.

At the time of writing, TSM’s League of Legends team has won seven of the sixteen splits of North America's League of Legends Championship Series (LCS). According to a 2020 report by Forbes TSM was valued at a whopping $410M USD that year, making it the most valuable competitive esports organization.

With a Twitter following of 2.23M and 2.34M subscribers on YouTube, TSM has a strong presence in regions including India, Brazil, and Japan and has set its foot in other game titles including Fortnite, Super Smash Bros, Apex Legends, and even Dota 2. In addition to its esports teams, TSM also employs a host of streamers and content creators to engage with its community.

The organization boasts the fact that it has nurtured so many young talents and given a platform for many to rise to the top. Over the years, as it was acting as a launchpad to fame for players, has it somehow slipped down? Is it struggling to stay in vogue today?

It is quite evident that the narratives woven around TSM have changed. What started out as a passion project may have soared to great heights in the past but has it managed to stay afloat?. The challenge for TSM currently is to retain its influential position in the industry and steer clear of the controversies that are looming around it.

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