Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) was unavailable for ten months and it is finally making a comeback. Krafton has officially announced the BGMI’s return but things will not be the same as before and there are some restrictions that will be imposed on the players. The game’s return is not permanent yet and the Indian government has sanctioned a three-month trial during which it will closely monitor the game with regards to “user harm and addiction.” Krafton has some of the guidelines which you need to follow moving forward.
Rules you need to follow when playing BGMI
Here are six changes that are coming to BGMI that you need to get accustomed to once the game returns:
BGMI will reinforce that the game exists in a virtual world and it is not your real life. This will be done using a Virtual World Warning Message when you launch the game every time.
Players below the age of 18 will need to register a parent or guardian when playing BGMI. Upon login, they will need to use One-Time Passwords (OTPs) to access the game. Players below the age of 18 will also be restricted to a maximum of three hours of playtime per day.
The game will send Breaktime Reminders to ensure players do not lose track of time and keep playing the game. Krafton is implementing this feature to reduce video game addiction, which is one of the government’s concerns surrounding the game.
There is an in-game daily spending limit of INR 7000 ($85 USD) to ensure players do not overspend on the game. Players who want to spend more than the limit will need to wait for their daily limit to be reset upon hitting the cap.
The most important change to the game is the moderated game graphics which will reduce violence, nudity, and bloodshed. Krafton will also be making changes to keep language in check.
The servers are currently unavailable and the changes will be implemented when the game comes back online. Krafton is expected to announce BGMI’s release date very soon so keep an eye out for the game’s release and adhere to the abovementioned rules when playing the game.