Wild Rift Patch 2.6 Preview: New Champions and URF Game Mode Confirmed


Wild Rift Patch 2.6 Preview: New Champions and URF Game Mode Confirmed

John Dave Rossel
Updated On: 
The highly anticipated Wild Rift patch 2.6 preview has finally arrived, revealing a host of exciting new content for players to look forward to.
The patch update will feature the two new champions Kayle and Morgana as well as the much-awaited Dr. Mundo champion rework.
The preview also revealed the arrival of one of the most iconic game modes in LoL PC, the URF game mode for the mobile MOBA title.

The highly anticipated League of Legends (LoL): Wild Rift patch 2.6 preview has finally arrived, revealing a host of exciting new content for players to look forward to. The patch update will feature the two new champions Kayle and Morgana as well as the much-awaited Dr. Mundo champion rework. The Wild Rift patch 2.6 preview also revealed the arrival of one of the most iconic game modes in LoL PC, the Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) game mode for the mobile MOBA title. A new set of Battle Pass rewards will also drop later in the Wild Rift Patch 2.6 update along with a ton of new skins and themed events.

Wild Rift Patch 2.6 Preview: New champions

Morgana and Kayle

The two angelic sisters Morgana “the Fallen” and Kayle “the Righteous” will soon arrive in Wild Rift.

Morgana is a mage champion that can work well in Mid Lane or as a utility support. She has one of the longest-lasting stuns in the game which makes her a very dangerous foe to go against.

Kayle, on the other hand, is a fighter champion that scales based on her level. She gains new abilities and basic attacks upon reaching specific levels. You don’t want to deal with a level 16 Kayle in the late game.

Morgana and Kayle preview.

Dr. Mundo

Dr. Mundo is the first Visual and Gameplay Update (or VGU) coming to Wild Rift! The mad doctor’s looks and gameplay have been updated along with a visual update for all his skins as well.

Dr. Mundo rework preview.

Wild Rift Patch 2.6 Preview: New Items

Shield Items

Banshee’s Veil and the Edge of Night items will be added in Wild Rift. These items protect champions from being taken down easily by high damage scaling enemies.

Support Items

Two new support items will be added called Hextech Megadrive and Ixtali Seedjar. More information about these items will be revealed at a later date.

Wild Rift Patch 2.6 Preview: Champ Select Changes

Due to the large pool of champions available in Wild Rift, the devs thought this is the perfect time to increase the bans per team during ranked games from three to five.

Wild Rift Patch 2.6 Preview: Events

Path of Justice

An event featuring the two new champions in Wild Rift will be arriving when the patch update arrives. You can acquire either Kayle or Morgana for free through this event.

Ultra Rapid Bingo

To celebrate the release of the URF game mode in Wild Rift, a bingo event will be released. More details about the event will be revealed at a later date.

Upcoming URF event in Wild Rift.

Wild Rift Patch 2.6 Preview: New Wild Pass Rewards

A new set of rewards will be featured in the upcoming Wild Pass featuring Hexplorer Shyvanna as the main reward. The prices for each type of Wild Pass will remain the same.

New Wild Pass rewards.

Wild Rift Patch 2.6 Preview: New URF Game Mode

This game mode is one of the most iconic and highly requested game modes to arrive in Wild Rift. Champions have unlimited mana and greatly reduced ability cooldowns in this game mode which can result in hours of crazy gameplay alongside creating some epic moments for players to enjoy.

URF Mode will soon arrive in Wild Rift.

Wild Rift Patch 2.6 Preview: New Ranked Rewards

Ranked Coins

A new type of reward system for Ranked mode will be introduced in the upcoming patch update. Players can now earn Ranked Coins that they can use to purchase various exclusive items that they may have missed from the past ranked seasons. This includes being able to purchase previous ranked exclusive skins such as Glorious Tryndamere, Jinx, and Lulu.

Glorious Orianna

The Wild Rift Ranked Season 4 exclusive skin reward is Glorious Orianna.

New ranked season 4 rewards in Wild Rift.

Season Reward System

Similar to the Wild Pass, you’ll gain Season Points for the ranked games you play and for your performance in them.

Weekend Reward Series

A new incentive for playing on the weekends has been added. Players can gain bonus progression on the Season Reward Track.

New weekend rewards preview.

Wild Rift Patch 2.6 Preview: Quality of Life (QoL) Changes

Intentional Losing Detection

Rio Games has made changes and improvements to how the game detects players who are intentionally trolling or throwing games.

Updates to New Player Experience

A few surprises for new players will be waiting for them when they install Wild Rift. New soundtracks themed around Jinx will be added to the game.

Wild Rift Patch 2.6 Preview: New Skins

New skins are arriving in Wild Rift with two themed skin lines - Crystal Rose and the Project skins. These skins will be released throughout the patch cycle.

Crystal Rose skins will be released on Patch 2.6.

Crystal Rose

  • Crystal Rose Lux (Legendary)

  • Crystal Rose Sona

  • Crystal Rose Ezreal (Legendary)

  • Crystal Rose Jarvan IV


  • PROJECT: Akali

  • PROJECT: Fiora

  • PROJECT: Jhin

  • PROJECT: Katarina

  • PROJECT: Vayne (Legendary)

Other Skins

  • Blade Mistress Morgana

  • Viridian Kayle

  • Corporate Mundo (Legendary)

  • Mecha Rengar

  • Mecha Kha’Zix

  • Winter Wonder Lulu

  • Dunkmaster Darius (Legendary)

There is a lot of exciting new content coming in the Wild Rift Patch 2.6 update and players have a lot to look forward to in terms of new champions, skins, events, and a whole lot more.

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John has been reporting developments on major mobile MOBA titles such as Mobile Legends, Wild Rift, and Arena of Valor for over two years. He also understands and follows various other PC/Mobile games such as League of Legends, Crossfire, Warcraft and more.

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