Leakers Reveal Two More Champions and Skins Coming in Wild Rift Patch 3.4


Leakers Reveal Two More Champions and Skins Coming in Wild Rift Patch 3.4

John Dave Rossel
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Gwen and Warwick are rumored to be released in Wild Rift Patch 3.4.
Odyssey and Soulstealer skins are also leaked and expected to be released soon in Wild Rift.
These leaks are yet to be confirmed by Riot Games.

League of Legends (LoL): Wild Rift is rumored to be releasing two more champions for Patch 3.4 according to data miners. On top of the leaks regarding the champions arriving soon for patches 3.3 and 3.4, leakers have unveiled more exciting news for fans. Several in-game assets led data miners to believe that the champions Gwen and Warwick may be arriving soon, possibly in the Wild Rift patch 3.4 update. However, these leaks are yet to be confirmed by Riot Games. For now, Kassadin has been released and Samira is confirmed to be next in line within the Wild Rift Patch 3.3 cycle.

Two more champions rumored to be released in Wild Rift soon

According to the data miner ChowZ, two new champions may be arriving for Wild Rift Patch 3.4. These champions are Gwen and Warwick on top of the two previously leaked champions Yone and Vex.

According to the data miner, a sound effect file for Warwick’s second skill has been found within the in-game files.

As for Gwen, her release is based on rumors and speculations from various data miners and leakers. But despite these data mining discoveries there is not enough proof to justify these rumors.

Gwen rumored to be released in Wild Rift Patch 3.4.

Odyssey and Soulstealer skin line possibly arriving in Wild Rift soon

On top of the two champions arriving for Patch 3.4, ChowZ also revealed that the Odyssey skin line may also be arriving soon to the game. The data miner revealed environmental assets that may be background images for the upcoming skin lines.

For reference, here are the Wild Rift champions who have the Odyssey or Soulstealer skins in LoL PC;

Odyssey Skin

  • Yasuo

  • Jinx

  • Ziggz

  • Sona

  • Malphite

  • Zed

  • Karma

  • Kha’Zix

  • Twisted Fate

Soulstealer Skin

  • Vayne

Players should keep in mind that Riot Games is yet to confirm the release of the new champions and the skins for the Wild Rift Patch 3.4 update. Fans should keep their eyes peeled for more updates in the future.

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John has been reporting developments on major mobile MOBA titles such as Mobile Legends, Wild Rift, and Arena of Valor for over two years. He also understands and follows various other PC/Mobile games such as League of Legends, Crossfire, Warcraft and more.

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