In May this year, Call of Duty: Mobile saw the Akimbo or dual pistols perk added to the game. Akimbo allows players to equip themselves with dual weapons to amp up their firepower at the cost of accuracy. The .50 GS handgun and the Fennec submachine gun have the Akimbo perk. Along with Akimbo, players also get dual pistols in COD Mobile using the Equalizer Operator Skill. Whichever option players go for, dual pistols are perfect for players who like to spray and pray. While dual wielding increases your fire rate, you can’t aim down sights. Here is how you can get dual pistols in COD Mobile.
How to Get Dual Pistols in COD Mobile
The .50 GS handgun and the Fennec submachine gun are two weapons that have the Akimbo or dual pistols in COD Mobile as perks. Players can unlock the Fennec by headshotting 30 enemies with an SMG. The Akimbo perk can then be unlocked by completing a task. Players will need to kill three enemies with a Fennec 30 times without dying. After stacking 30 points and completing the mission, players can unlock dual wielding.
A quick way to get dual pistols in COD Mobile is to queue up for smaller maps like Hijacked and Killhouse. You should be able to complete the mission in four to five matches.
Equalizer Operator Skill
The Equalizer Operator Skill are dual integrated machine guns with built-in suppressors and great for close quarters combat. Players can use credit points to unlock the Equalizer Operator Skill from the in-game store. To get dual pistols through the Equalizer Operator Skill, navigate to the in-game store and select the ‘Credit Store’ tab and the explosion icon on the top menu. Players will need to earn 2000 credit points to unlock the Equalizer in COD Mobile.
Credit points can be earned in the game through player level rewards and levelling up any battle pass tier by grinding through games.