BGMI: Must-Know Tips to Conquer the New Dragon Ball Battle Royale Map

Ahsan Kabir
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>BGMI: Must-Know Tips to Conquer the New Dragon Ball Battle Royale Map</p></div>
BGMI: Must-Know Tips to Conquer the New Dragon Ball Battle Royale Map


BGMI Guide

Instantaneous movement with portals, energy zones to gain random boosts, and more in the Battle Royale Dragon Ball Super map.

The battlegrounds just got a whole lot more exciting with the introduction of the new Dragon Ball map in BGMI Version 2.7. With its vast 1.6 by 1.6-kilometer expanse and unique gameplay elements, this map brings a fresh twist to your gaming experience. In this guide, we'll dive into the essential strategies and tips you need to conquer the Dragon Ball map and secure that coveted Chicken Dinner. Get ready to harness the power of energy zones, master teleportation, and outmaneuver your opponents in this action-packed arena.

1. Harness the Power of Energy Zones

One of the defining features of the Dragon Ball map is its energy zones. Within these zones, you have the chance to receive random attribute boosts, such as increased speed and health recovery. Don't miss out on these advantageous power-ups! Moreover, energy zones are also a hotspot for supplies, so make sure you loot everything you can before moving on.

Energy Zones in BGMI's Dragon Ball Map

Energy Zones

2. Swift Movement Through Portals

Navigating the expansive Dragon Ball map can be a challenge, but luckily, there's a speedy solution: Portals. These portals provide you with a lightning-fast means of travel between different areas. Step through a portal to teleport to the corresponding location and gain a strategic advantage over your opponents. Keep in mind that there's a cooldown period after each use, so plan your portal usage wisely.

3. Updrafts: Your Ticket to Mid-Distance Travel

While portals are fantastic for covering long distances, updrafts are your go-to option for mid-distance travel. Look out for updrafts on the map, and approach them to get lifted into the air. Control your descent to reach your desired location. This method not only helps you avoid danger but also offers a thrilling and dynamic way to move around the map.

4. Volcanoes: Avoid the Lava

Beware of the menacing volcanoes scattered throughout the Dragon Ball map. Lava erupting from these volcanoes inflicts damage within a specific radius. Stepping onto the lava will gradually drain your health, so exercise caution and steer clear of these hazardous zones. Surviving in this dynamic environment requires keen awareness of your surroundings.

5. Exclusive Crates and Timed Airdrops

Exploration is key to success on the Dragon Ball map, and this includes searching for exclusive crates and timed airdrops. Exclusive crates contain themed supplies that can give you a significant edge in battle. Keep an eye on the countdown timer displayed on the minimap to anticipate incoming airdrops. Be ready to pounce on these crates, but remember that you'll likely face stiff competition from other players.

6. Recovery Points for Healing

In the heat of battle, staying alive is crucial. If you find yourself injured while chasing supplies, locate the recovery points indicated on the map. Running into a recovery point will rapidly restore your health and armor. However, like portals, recovery points have a cooldown period, so use them strategically and be prepared for subsequent encounters.

7. Towers for Resurrection

Teamwork is a cornerstone of victory, and the towers on the Dragon Ball map offer a way to bring fallen teammates back into the fray. When a teammate is eliminated, head to a tower to revive them. Keep in mind that each tower has its cooldown, and each player can only be revived by a teammate once. Quick and coordinated teamwork can give your squad a significant advantage.

Recall Towers in BGMI Dragon Ball Mode

Recall Towers in Dragon Ball Mode

The Dragon Ball map introduces an array of exciting mechanics and strategies that can change the course of your battles. Remember to make the most of energy zones, portals, updrafts, and recovery points to stay ahead in the game. Adapt to the challenges posed by volcanoes and seize the opportunity presented by exclusive crates and timed airdrops. With the right tactics and coordination, you can emerge victorious in the dynamic battlegrounds of the Dragon Ball map. Good luck, players, and may your journey be filled with epic triumphs! In the meantime, you can also check out more of our BGMI Guides from here.

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Ahsan is a content writer for AFK Gaming. As part of the client services team, he works in influencer business as well as esports & gaming content production. He is also a serious fps player with professional-level experience in COD Mobile and PUBG Mobile.