WoW Classic: Where Can You Find the Wandering Swordsman in Season of Discovery?
Numerous players are jumping in to experience the Season of Discovery (SoD) in World of Warcraft Classic, thanks to numerous features that serve as a breath of fresh air. Apart from new additions such as overhauled dungeons, bosses, and new items, the game has retained its tradition of offering enticing rewards upon completing various challenges and events. A notable example is the Wandering Swordsman, who continues to roam the world of Azeroth, challenging other Warriors on his way. Without further ado, here’s how you can find and beat him to earn the Blood Frenzy Rune in WoW.
Where is the Wandering Swordsman in WoW Classic SoD?
Unfortunately, the wandering Swordsman does not have a specific habitat and as the name suggests, he will be wandering throughout the world of Azeroth at random times. However, many players have reportedly spotted the Swordsman at six different locations such as the Elwynn Forest, Durator, Mulgore, Dun Morogh, Teldrassil, and Trisfal Glades.
Spotting the Wandering Swordsman is relatively easy, as this friendly NPC sticks out from the world around him, adorning a Blue armor and Orange shoulder pads. Here are some of the coordinates at the aforementioned regions where you might find him:
Elwynn Forest for Human Warriors
41.4, 71
36, 84.6
24.4, 69.4
30.6, 74.2
22.6, 73.6
Durotar for Orc and Troll Warriors
56.6, 21.6
36, 48
40.6, 50.6
54.4, 40.4
55.8, 27.8
Mulgore for Tauren Warriors
60.2, 67.6
38, 55
52, 39.2
45.6, 36.4
40.6, 53.8
Dun Morogh for Dwarf Warriors
52.6, 45
50.2, 49
53.6, 47.2
51.8, 48.8
Teldrassil for Night Elf Warriors
39.8, 37.4
43.8, 76.8
62.6, 71.8
39.8, 69.6
54.8, 66.2
Trisfal Glades for Forsaken Warriors
78.2, 63.4
79.6, 65.2
78.4, 65
79.6, 64.4
How to Get the Rune of Blood Frenzy From the Wandering Swordsman in WoW Classic?
The only way to obtain the Blood Frenzy Rune is to defeat the Wandering Swordsman in a duel. Although the Longsword-wielding NPC seems friendly, this Rare mob can become quite deadly in combat. This level 7 Wandering Swordsman has 460 HP and poses quite a challenge if you do not meet the level requirements.
After successfully eliminating him, he will drop the Blood Frenzy Warrior Rune, which can be engraved on the chest slot to provide 3 Rage, every time you deal Bleed damage. This ability is crucial for this class, especially when you begin your leveling grind.
That is pretty much everything you need to know about the Wandering Swordsman in WoW Classic. Note that the coordinates for the regions were provided by WoWhead.