Snapshots in Pokémon Go: How to Take, Exclusive Smeargle Capture & More

Aditi Joshi
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Snapshots in Pokémon Go: How to Take, Exclusive Smeargle Capture &amp; More</p></div>
Snapshots in Pokémon Go: How to Take, Exclusive Smeargle Capture &amp; More


Snapshots were earlier just a way to capture the moments when you caught your favorite Pokémon.
However, with time, they have become a pretty integral part of the game, mostly used in Elusive Researches.
In this article, we’ll help you capture the second generation Pokémon, Smeargle, using Snapshots.

Snapshots were first introduced in 2019 in Pokémon Go but were overlooked by a lot of trainers. However, over the years, Niantic has made sure to incorporate this feature into important feats of the game. Snapshots are incorporated not just into minor tasks for quests but also into full-fledged research tasks.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how you can use Snapshots in Pokémon Go to capture the exclusive Smeargle Pokemon. 

What are Snapshots in Pokémon Go?

Capturing your favorite Pokémon in the game is a pretty exciting achievement. Wouldn’t you want to capture that movement and save it to cherish it forever? Well, that is the exact purpose of having a snapshot in Pokémon Go, or it would seem so. With more and more updates added to the game, Snapshots have become a pretty integral part of it. We have arrived at this conclusion after seeing the frequency of Snapshot usage in Research tasks. 

Steps to Capturing the Perfect Snapshot

If you are unable to understand the intricacies of capturing the perfect snapshot, worry not, because we are here to help you out. Simply follow the given steps and you will have the right snapshot in no time. 

  1. Launch the game on your preferred device. You will spit a Pokeball at the bottom of the screen. Tap it to open the menu.

  2. Through this menu, access the inventory, where you can see the list of Pokémon you’ve captured already. 

  3. Select a Pokémon you wish to capture. 

  4. Once you’ve selected a Pokémon, locate the camera in the upper right hand corner. 

  5. This will prompt the phone camera to open. Point it towards a flat surface, preferably on the floor. Aim the camera around until footprint icons appear. Follow the footprints around to find out where the Pokémon will appear. Make sure there is ample space for it to appear. 

  6. Once the Pokémon appears, tap the camera icon to capture the snapshot. Once done, click on the door icon in the upper left corner. You will exit the camera screen and the game will save your snapshot. 

How to Capture Smeargle in Pokémon Go?

Capturing this second generation Pokémon is integral to the snapshot feature in Pokémon Go. The key to catching Smeargle is capturing snapshots by following the above steps and then checking them out for Smeargle. It is most likely to photobomb your snapshots. Once you spot it, identify where you clicked the picture on the overworld map and reach there to catch it. 

There is no way to know after how many snapshots Smeargle will appear. For some, it might just take a few pictures, while hundreds of snapshots for others. But once you catch Smeargle in the image, just go back to where you captured the said picture and look for Smeargle. 

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Aditi Joshi is an English Literature student who indulges in the world of gaming when she's not working. She finds enjoyment in the immersive world of gaming.