Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: The Teal Mask DLC – All New & Returning Pokémon

Dhruv Bhatnagar
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: The Teal Mask DLC – All New &amp; Returning Pokémon</p></div>
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: The Teal Mask DLC – All New &amp; Returning Pokémon
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet's first major expansion, The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero will bring over 230 new and returning Pokémon to find and add to your collection.
Here is a list of all the new and returning Pokémon in the Teal Mask DLC.

 As we’ve seen with Pokémon Swords and Shield DLC, the upcoming Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC: The Teal Mask will introduce new Pokémon as well as reintroduce some of the fan-favorite Pokémon from previous entries that weren’t a part of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s National Pokédex.

Over 200 different Pokémon will be coming to the game for players to catch while exploring new areas that come with The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk DLC. Here, we’ve covered every new and returning Pokémon in the new DLC.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Teal Mask DLC:  All New Pokémon 

With the new Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Teal Mask DLC, players can catch seven new Pokémon. These include –

  1. Dipplin

  2. Fezandpiti

  3. Munkidori

  4. Ogerpon

  5. Okidogi

  6. Poltchageist

  7. Sinistcha

Out of these, Ogerpon, Okidogi, Fezandpiti, and Munkidori are the DLC’s legendaries. The other 3 are regular Pokémon: Dipplin is the evolution of Applin, and Sinistcha is the evolution of Poltchageist.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Teal Mask DLC: All Returning Pokémon  

The Teal Mask DLC will also reintroduce several Pokémon to the wild that weren’t a part of the base Scarlet and Violet game. These Pokémon are from across several generations and will be transferable using Pokémon Home if you were not able to catch them in the wild or would like them as early as part of your adventure.

  1. Ekans

  2. Arbok

  3. Cleffa

  4. Clefairy

  5. Clefable

  6. Oddish

  7. Gloom

  8. Vileplume

  9. Bellossom

  10. Vulpix

  11. Ninetails

  12. Poliwag

  13. Poliwhirl

  14. Poliwrath

  15. Politoed

  16. Bellsprout

  17. Weepinbell

  18. Victreebell

  19. Geodude

  20. Graveller

  21. Golem

  22. Muchlax

  23. Snorlax

  24. Sentret

  25. Furret

  26. Hoothoot

  27. Noctowl

  28. Spinda

  29. Ariados

  30. Aipom

  31. Ambipom

  32. Yanma

  33. Yanmega

  34. Gligar

  35. Gliscor

  36. Smeargle

  37. Swinub

  38. Piloswine

  39. Mamoswine

  40. Poochyena

  41. Mightyena

  42. Seedot

  43. Nuzleaf

  44. Shiftry

  45. Lotad

  46. Lombre

  47. Ludicolo

  48. Corphish

  49. Crawdaunt

  50. Chingling

  51. Chimecho

  52. Volbeat

  53. Illumise

  54. Sluma

  55. Macargo

  56. Feebas

  57. Milotic

  58. Duskull

  59. Dusclops

  60. Dusknoir

  61. Turtwig

  62. Grotle

  63. Torterra

  64. Piplup

  65. Prinplup

  66. Empoleon

  67. Chimchar

  68. Monferno

  69. Infernape

  70. Timburr

  71. Gurdurr

  72. Conkeldurr

  73. Sewaddle

  74. Swadloon

  75. Levanny

  76. Litwick

  77. Lampent

  78. Chandelure

  79. Phantump

  80. Trevenant

  81. Grubbin

  82. Charjabug

  83. Vikavolt

  84. Cutiefly

  85. Ribombee

  86. Jangmo-o

  87. Hakamo-o

  88. Kommo-o

  89. Cramorant

  90. Morpeko

  91. Ursaluna

  92. Basculegion

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Teal Mask DLC Pokemon

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: All Returning Pokémon in The Indigo Disk

We’ll also see the addition of following old Pokémon to the game –

  1. Bulbasaur

  2. Ivysaur

  3. Venusaur

  4. Squirtle

  5. Wartortle

  6. Blastoise

  7. Sandshrew

  8. Sandslash

  9. Doduo

  10. Dodrio

  11. Seel

  12. Dewgong

  13. Exeggcute

  14. Exeggutor

  15. Tyrogue

  16. Hitmonlee

  17. Hitmonchan

  18. Hitmontop

  19. Magby

  20. Magmar

  21. Magmortar

  22. Rhyhorn

  23. Rhydon

  24. Rhyperior

  25. Lapras

  26. Chikorita

  27. Bayleef

  28. Meganium

  29. Totodile

  30. Croconaw

  31. Feraligator

  32. Skarmory

  33. Treecko

  34. Grovyle

  35. Sceptile

  36. Torchic

  37. Combusken

  38. Blaziken

  39. Mudkip

  40. Marshstomp

  41. Swampert

  42. Trapinch

  43. Vibrava

  44. Flygon

  45. Duskull

  46. Dusclops

  47. Dusknoir

  48. Beldum

  49. Metang

  50. Metagross

  51. Cranidos

  52. Rampardos

  53. Shieldon

  54. Bastiodon

  55. Snivy

  56. Servine

  57. Serperior

  58. Tepig

  59. Pignite

  60. Emboar

  61. Blitzle

  62. Zebstrika

  63. Cottonee

  64. Whimsicott

  65. Minccino

  66. Cinccino

  67. Solosis

  68. Duosion

  69. Reuniclus

  70. Litwick

  71. Lampent

  72. Chandelure

  73. Golett

  74. Golurk

  75. Vullaby

  76. Mandibuzz

  77. Litten

  78. Torracat

  79. Incineroar

  80. Popplio

  81. Brionne

  82. Primarina

  83. Espurr

  84. Meowstic

  85. Inkay

  86. Malamar

  87. Alolan Geodude

  88. Alolan Graveler

  89. Alolan Golem

  90. Milcery

  91. Alcremie

And that’s every new and old Pokémon coming with Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Teal Mask DLC. Be sure to follow us for more Pokémon news and guides.

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