Minecraft Bedrock: What Are the Best Levels for Mining Diamonds?

Surya Kumar
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Minecraft Bedrock: What Are the Best Levels for Mining Diamonds?</p></div>
Minecraft Bedrock: What Are the Best Levels for Mining Diamonds?


Diamonds in Minecraft are usually found in the deepest layers often close to Bedrock layers.
There are several mining techniques you can use to efficiently acquire rare ores. You will find four such methods mentioned below.

Minecraft recently got its 1.20.30 update which brought various changes and additions to its complex sandbox experience.  One such update is the increased amount of Diamond ore found in the deepest parts of the world. This makes the act of mining more rewarding for players. Diamond is certainly the most sought-after material in the game as it serves as both a currency and an essential resource for upgrading and crafting new gear. Let’s take a look at how to craft diamonds efficiently.

Best Y Levels for Crafting Diamonds in Minecraft

Diamond ores in Minecraft Bedrock are usually located between levels Y 16 to -64. They replace rocks like Stone, Andesite, Diorite, Granite, and Deepslate. The frequency of acquiring Diamonds increases as you venture deep into the world. This means that deeper Y levels are generally more rewarding for players to mine. You are free to dig around till Y -59 which is just one layer above Bedrock. If you are on the hunt for Deepslate Diamond ores which are rarer, they typically appear between at the depths below Y -61

Here Are Some Efficient Ways to Mine Diamond Ores

The Branching Technique

The Branching or Strip Mining method is practiced by mining two blocks, one at eye level and the one beneath it. You need to keep digging in a straight line that branches off into various tunnels. They can continue doing this to efficiently cover huge areas and to increase their chances of running into Diamond ores.

The One-Blocking Mining Method

 This is pretty much the same method as the one mentioned above except for the fact that you must only mine a single block going forward instead of two blocks. Although it is a faster method to mine, you also decrease your chances of finding Diamonds by one block so the decision is yours to make.

Utilizing the Famous X-Ray Glitch

One another method is to stand on a Composter and have a downward-pushing Piston. This will glitch you through walls, allowing you to look at exposed ores underneath your current surface. This is a tried and tested way to locate Diamonds and other precious metals.

Traversing Through Caves and Ravines

In Minecraft, you are more than likely to run into underground caves and ravines that often contain valuable exposed ores, especially Diamonds. Keep in mind that you will also find hostile zombies or spiders so make sure you carry weapons, torches, and other essentials.

That is pretty much how you can efficiently collect Diamond ores in Minecraft. If you wish to know more about the 1.20.30 update, here are the official patch notes.

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Surya has been an avid gamer all his life with an emphasis on single-player titles since the PlayStation 2 era. After switching to PC, he has also dabbled in the world of Valorant ever since its beta. He aims to spread his passion for gaming through his writing.