Idols in Last Epoch Explained: How to Get, Equip and Tips

Daniel Royte
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Idols in Last Epoch Explained: How to Get, Equip and Tips</p></div>
Idols in Last Epoch Explained: How to Get, Equip and Tips


Idols in Last Epoch are fixed, non-modifiable items that come in various sizes, ranging from 1x1 to 4x1.
These artifacts are dropped by specific enemies or found in dungeons while exploring.
In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Idols in Last Epoch.

Idols in Last Epoch are fixed, non-modifiable items that come in various sizes, ranging from 1x1 to 4x1. These artifacts are dropped by specific enemies or found in dungeons while exploring. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Idols in Last Epoch including how to unlock them, the different sizes and types available, and how to use them effectively in your builds.

Unlocking Idols in Last Epoch 

To unlock Idols in Last Epoch, players must progress through the main quests and reach the Council Chambers for the first time. By following the main story path, players will unlock their first two Idols by around level 12. Some players may acquire them sooner through exploration and farming, while others may obtain them later. However, access to Idols is only granted upon reaching the Council Chambers and speaking with Elder Gaspar, who provides the Idols and the slots to equip them.

How to Equip Idols in Last Epoch

To equip Idols, open your inventory and drag them to the designated slots in the top right of the screen. After speaking with Elder Gaspar, you'll have four slots to equip Idols, allowing for a mix of vertical and horizontal placements. As you find more Idols in the game, you can rearrange them in your inventory like a Tetris puzzle. The size of the Idol determines its power, with larger Idols offering greater benefits.

Types of Idols 

Idols in Last Epoch come in various sizes and types, each offering different bonuses. The size of the Idol corresponds to its potency, with larger Idols providing more significant effects. Some Idols offer class-specific bonuses, catering to the unique strengths and playstyles of each character archetype. Here is a breakdown of the different Idols and their associated bonuses:

  • Small Idol: Damage over Time, Dodge, HP, Healing, Stun, Non-Elemental Resistance, and Damage.

  • Humble Idol: Bleed Chance, Poison Chance, Health on Kill, Stun Duration, Vitality, Non-Elemental Resistance, and Damage.

  • Stout Idol: Ward, Ignite Chance, Shock Chance, Critical Strike Chance, Freeze Rate, Health, Elemental Resistance, Elemental Damage.

  • Adorned Idol: Mainly Class-specific Options.

  • Grand Idol: Mainly Class-specific Options, Non-Elemental Resistance, and Damage.

  • Large Idol: Mainly Class-specific Options, Damage, Defenses.

  • Ornate Idol: Mainly Class-specific Options, offensive upgrades, Buffs and Ailments, Non-Elemental Resistance, and Damage.

  • Huge Idol: Mainly Class-specific Options, Damage, Status Ailments, and Defenses.

Using Idols Effectively

Idols must be placed within the designated Idol Inventory slots to confer their bonuses. They do not provide any benefits when stored in your regular inventory. You can equip multiple Idols of varying sizes and categories simultaneously, up to a total of 20 slots. Idols can be easily removed from their slots by dragging and dropping them back into your regular inventory or by right-clicking to transfer them.

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Daniel is an under-grad and has grown up with esports titles like Dota 2 cultivating a passion for esports. His current beats include in-depth coverage of Dota 2 and Mobile Legends.