How to Increase Grasp in Hades 2

Daniel Royte
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>How to Increase Grasp in Hades 2</p></div>
How to Increase Grasp in Hades 2


Hades 2, the long awaited sequel to the 2021 sequel is finally in its Early Access period after a series of Beta and Technical tests.
In Hades 2, your Grasp determines the maximum number of Arcana you can equip.
Here's a guide on how to increase your Grasp in Hades 2.

Hades 2, the long awaited sequel to the 2021 sequel is finally in its Early Access period after a series of Beta and Technical tests. In Hades 2, your Grasp determines the maximum number of Arcana you can equip. As you progress through the game, increasing your Grasp becomes important for unlocking more powerful Arcana Cards. Here's a guide on how to increase your Grasp in Hades 2.

What is Grasp in Hades 2?

Grasp is the maximum amount of Arcana you can equip in Hades 2. Each Arcana Card has a specific Grasp cost, and your total Grasp determines how many cards you can use simultaneously. For example, if you have a 3-cost, a 2-cost, and a 5-cost Arcana Card, you'll need at least 10 Grasp to equip them all.

How to Increase Grasp?

To increase your Grasp, you need to spend Psyche, a resource that can be obtained through various means in the game. Here's how you can increase your Grasp:

  1. Collect Enough Psyche: Psyche can be obtained as a reward after defeating enemies in certain areas. Look for paths that offer Psyche as a reward and clear those areas to collect it.

  2. Compel Wandering Spirits: Equip the Tablet of Peace and interact with wandering spirits to compel them. This interaction can reward you with Psyche.

  3. Purchase Psyche: Visit the Wretched Broker in the Crossroads and exchange Bones for Psyche. You can access the Broker's shop after purchasing the Incantation, Summoning Mercantile Fortune, at the cauldron.

What is Grasp Used For?

Grasp limits the number of Arcana cards you can equip. Each card has its own Grasp cost, and you can only equip cards up to your total Grasp limit.

Increasing Your Grasp:

  • Upgrade at Altar of Ashes: Navigate to the Altar and select your character image to upgrade your Grasp using Psyche.

  • Cost: The cost of upgrading Grasp increases with each upgrade, so collect as much Psyche as possible to afford upgrades.

  • Unlock More Arcana Cards: As you progress, unlock more Arcana cards to gain access to powerful bonuses and abilities.

Why Increasing Grasp is Important

Increasing your Grasp allows you to equip more powerful Arcana Cards, providing you with significant advantages in combat. Arcana Cards offer various bonuses, such as increased damage, health, or unique abilities, which can greatly enhance your gameplay experience.

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Daniel is an under-grad and has grown up with esports titles like Dota 2 cultivating a passion for esports. His current beats include in-depth coverage of Dota 2 and Mobile Legends.