How to Get High Quality Pal Oil in Palworld?

Vignesh Raghuram
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>How to Get High Quality Pal Oil in Palworld?</p></div>
How to Get High Quality Pal Oil in Palworld?


AFK Gaming

In Palworld, crafting high-end firearms and polymers is crucial for survival and domination. A key ingredient in this crafting process is High Quality Pal Oil, a resource essential for both basic and advanced weaponry. High Quality Pal Oil is not just any crafting material, it's absolutely essential to craft a range of firearms including pistols, rifles, and even the daunting rocket launchers.

Without further ado, we're here to show you how to get High Quality Pal Oil in Palworld and some of the crafting recipes you can make with them.

Where and How to Find High Quality Pal Oil in Palworld?


The deserts of Palworld are your go-to destinations for High-Quality Pal Oil. The easiest desert to access early in the game is the one located in the north. While there are other areas to grind for this resource, daytime expeditions in this particular desert almost guarantee encounters with Pals dropping High-Quality Pal Oil.

The Northern Desert is a Good Place to find High Quality Pal Oil


Here, you'll encounter the Digitoise - which frequently drops this valuable resource when you defeat it. To effectively farm High-Quality Pal Oil, engage the Digitoise using your Pals or ranged weapons. Swiftly take them down before they have a chance to burrow underground, and then collect the oil they drop. A successful skirmish against multiple Digitoise can yield over 20 units of oil.

While Digitoise is your primary target, do not be afraid to engage with other Pals like Aye-Aye, Cobrats, and Gluttons in this region who also drop substantial quantities of the resource.

Bamboo Groves:

If you do not want to or cannot make your way to the desert, you can also farm Pal Oil by defeating Mammorests that are found in the Bamboo Groves. One such area can be found near the Sealed Realm of the Swordmaster located in the mid-western part of the map.

One of the&nbsp;Bamboo Groves where you can farm Pal Oil&nbsp;by defeating Mammorests

AFK Gaming

Mammorests can yield upto 20 units of oil, and typically multiple Mammorests are located close to one another in this game. So you can rapidly rack up the amount of High Quality Pal Oil that you can farm.

Make sure to keep track of our other PalWorld Guides here:

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Vignesh has been covering the esports industry for nearly 5 years starting with the early days of the DPC. His industry expertise includes experience in Dota 2, CS:GO and Mobile Esports coverage.