Here’s the Best Loadout to Defeat the Automatons in Helldivers 2

Surya Kumar
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Here’s the Best Loadout to Defeat the Automatons in Helldivers 2</p></div>
Here’s the Best Loadout to Defeat the Automatons in Helldivers 2


This guide will provide you with the most versatile loadout to effectively deal with the Automatons in Helldivers 2.
Pairing your Stun Grenade along with the mentioned stratagems can deal devastating damage against all types of Automatons.

In Helldivers 2, you and your squad will encounter numerous deadly enemies that will try their very best to stop you dead in your tracks. While foes like the Terminids and Chargers are relatively easier to take down, blood-thirsty robots like the Automatons can pose quite a formidable threat while attempting to conquer hostile planets. Known for their sturdy armor and potent ranged attacks, defeating these mindless killers demands your arsenal's finest equipment and weapons. Here’s the best loadout to help you effectively take down the Automatons in Helldivers 2.

The Most Effective Loadout to Deal with Automatons in Helldivers 2

The Best Strategems Against Automatons

  • Eagle Airstrike: The Eagle lineup of stratagems are arguably the most powerful attacks in the game, dealing devastating damage to waves of enemies, thanks to its large area of effect.  As long as execute it properly, you can easily take out troops of Automatons, killing Tanks and Devastators in a single strike.

Eagle Airstrike
  • Orbital Laser: The vaporizing power of this stratagem will grant you a potent crow-control effect over the Automatons, while also helping you clear bases and Command Bunkers with relative ease. All you need to do is simply hurl it into enemy areas, sit back, and watch it melt the metal off these killer robots. Make sure to use them mindfully, as they are only available three times per game with a 5-minute cooldown between each strike.

  • EMS Mortar Sentry: The A/M-23 EMS mortar sentry will help you slow down hordes of enemies, giving you added time to complete objectives and position yourself strategically to deal with them. You could also pair these in tandem with the Eagle Airstrike or the Orbital Laser to obliterate them.

  • Laser Cannon: The LAS-98 Laser Cannon is deadly if aimed at the weak spots of various Automatons in the game. It can help you take down Hulks in just a matter of seconds if you sustain your fire on its legs. You can also swap this for the SH-32 Shield Generator Pack if your emphasis is on survivability.

The Best Primary Weapon Against Automatons

SG-8 Punisher Shotgun

This dual mag pump-action shotgun is one of the best-handling weapons in the game, allowing you to focus primarily on mobility as you can still do decent damage without having the best shot placements. However, if you are feeling confident with your aim, you can also replace it with the LAS-16 Sickle, which will allow you to zoom in and precisely land headshots on Devastators. Although you will lose out on the stagger effect, its unlimited ammo does come as an added bonus.

SG-8 Punisher Shotgun

The Best Secondary Weapon, Grenade, and Armor Against Automatons

The P19-Redeemer is our pick for the best secondary weapon against the Automatons, thanks to their extremely high fire rates, granting you decent crowd control against these deadly robots.

Pairing all of the aforementioned weapons with a G-23 Stun Grenade would be the most effective choice, as it will stop these blood-thirsty machines dead on their tracks, allowing you to deploy your stratagems and rain fire on them. 

FS-05 Marskman

Although armor can be more of a personal preference, we recommend the FS-05 Marskman or any other armor that offers the Fortified passive buff, which reduces explosive damage by 50%, significantly improving your survivability against the Automatons. You also get a 30% reduction in recoil when you are prone or crouched, allowing you to perfectly line up your shots against these deadly enemies.

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Surya has been an avid gamer all his life with an emphasis on single-player titles since the PlayStation 2 era. After switching to PC, he has also dabbled in the world of Valorant ever since its beta. He aims to spread his passion for gaming through his writing.