Capcom will soon release the highly anticipated sequel to 2012’s Dragon’s Dogma on 22nd March. The game is set to launch on current-gen consoles like the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S, along with PC, the latter of which has made many gamers curious if the game will come equipped with the well-known Anticheat program Denuvo. While it protects publishers and developers through its strong encryption, it is also infamous for tanking performance in games. Without further ado, here’s what you need to know.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Will Be Equipped With Denuvo Anticheat for a Year at a Minimum
Considering that Dragon’s Dogma 2 is developed and published by Capcom and its subsidiaries, the AAA title has been confirmed to incorporate Denuvo as third-party DRM protection, which has been the case with all of its games before this such as Street Fighter 6, Resident Evil Village, and more.
This was mentioned on Dragon’s Dogma 2’s Steam Page, and it has gotten several mixed opinions from gamers in the community. While most said that the DRM would not stop them from purchasing the game, some say that they would buy it only if the Anti-tamper software was removed from the game. Although the incorporation of Denuvo certainly protects the work of publishers and developers, it is known to cause several performance issues in games, with Resident Evil Village being an example.
However, you need to know the issues were patched up and Denuvo was eventually even stipped from the game, which might be a possibility in the upcoming Dragon’s Dogma 2 as well. Judging from past trends, Resident Evil Village was launched back in May 2021, and it contained the Anti-tamper program until April 2023, which gives us a two-year timeframe between its implementation and removal.
Although most Denuvo-equipped Capcom games like Resident Evil and Devil May Cry 5 have been running with negligible performance reductions, remember that it doesn’t come to light until the software is taken from the game. While it might iron out any performance issues and increase frame rates, you might have to wait for more than a year to get your hands on the game, which is quite long. The only advantage would be the reduced price of the title due to its age.