Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Open the Grymforge Toy Chest

Surya Kumar
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Open the Toy Chest</p></div>
Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Open the Toy Chest


Baldur’s Gate 3 offers several enthralling rewards in the form of treasure chests.
There are several chests located all over the world of Forgotten Realms, some of which offer unique rewards.
The toy chest is located in the Abandoned Refuge of Grymforge’s Underdark.

Baldur’s Gate 3 offers players a lot to explore in its massive world of the Forgotten Realms. One aspect of exploration is the fact that the game contains several chests that offer exciting rewards While some chests can be easily unlocked, others require you to use your lockpicking skills or a key that you must find. Apart from this, there are other chests that will be sealed shut and can only be unlocked upon completing puzzles and challenges. You will come across one such chest in Grymforge in the Underdark. Here’s how you can open it and access all of its contents.

The Toy Chest’s Hidden Secret

As the name suggests, the toy chest is simply a miniature chest that has an in-game description that reads “A tiny chest perfect for tiny hands”. This might lead you to think that the chest will open if you simply use a smaller race or the Enlarge/Reduce spell. However, this does not seem to unlock the chest. The toy chest is merely a catalyst that leads you to a huge treasure once you uncover the mystery behind it. Here’s what you need to do.

Opening the Grymforge Toy Chest

Opening the Grymforge Toy Chest

Grymforge is an area in the Forgotten Realms that offers players several interesting spots to explore. Apart from the Adamantite Forge, the area also contains several chests to loot. One such chest can be found in the Abandoned Refuge in the Underdark. There are several ways to open this toy chest:

  • Cast a light spell/cantrip 

  • Cast a Produce Flame Cantrip

  • Throw the chest

After you cast spells or simply throw the tiny toy chest on the ground, a bigger harper stash will appear in the middle of the room. The coordinates for the Harper Stash are X: -701, and Y: 376. You will also encounter three Mimics who will surprise your party and engage in combat with you. After successfully defeating them, you can use Thieves’ Tools or pass the Sleight of Hand check which requires a roll of 20 or higher. Make sure to pick a character that is proficient enough to pass this check.

The contents of the Harper stash will differ for each player, however, we can be sure that you will certainly acquire some noteworthy items that will help you on your future quests.

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Surya has been an avid gamer all his life with an emphasis on single-player titles since the PlayStation 2 era. After switching to PC, he has also dabbled in the world of Valorant ever since its beta. He aims to spread his passion for gaming through his writing.