Overwatch 2 New Support Hero Illari: All Abilities, How to Play, More

Complete details about the sun's daughter.

Aditya Singh Rawat
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Overwatch 2 New Support Hero Illari: All Abilities, How To Play, More</p></div>
Overwatch 2 New Support Hero Illari: All Abilities, How To Play, More


Overwatch 2 Season 6 Invasion has been released, introducing the new support hero Illari from Peru who wields the power of the sun.
Illari is armed with a Solar Rifle which acts as her primary weapon, along with abilities that allow her to dish out single target heal and plenty of damage.
Here are the complete details of her weapon, abilities, and how can she be used in Overwatch 2.

Overwatch 2 finally released the extremely hyped and heavily marketed Season 6 Invasion on 10th August, allowing players to enjoy the new support hero Illari who hails from Peru and wields the power of the sun.

"Rise like the sun. I will do what I have to do. I won't hold back. I am Illari and I am the last child of the sun," says the armor-clad warrior who uses the sun's energy to both damage and heal.

Illari's kit offers a combination of burst damage and continuous single target heal, along with mobility that allows her to escape dive attempts aimed to take her down or surprise enemies through a successful flank.

Overwatch 2 Illari: All Abilities Explained

The militant Omnic liberation group, Null Sector, has begun its invasion and a new support hero has been added to the game. Illari is the 38th character introduced in the game and her overall kit is quite impressive.

Her abilities allow her to be a flexible support who can dish out waves of damage while providing sufficient healing.

Overwatch 2 Illari: Weapon, Abilities, Ultimate

Weapon: Solar Rifle

  • Primary Fire (Left Mouse Button)

    A long-range rifle that shoots auto-charged energy ammunition, perfect for engaging with the enemy from a distance and providing chip damage.

    Damage: 7.5 to 25 (Min Charge) | 22.5 to 75 (Max Charge)

    Reload Time: 2 Seconds

    Ammo: 14 Shots

Overwatch 2 Illari: Weapon Primary Fire - Solar Rifle
  • Secondary Fire (Right Mouse Button)

    A medium-range concentrated beam that heals an ally for a short duration while consuming solar energy.

    Healing: 120 Per Second

    Reload Time: 2.9 Seconds

Overwatch 2 Illari: Weapon Secondary Fire - Healing Beam


  • Outburst (Left Shift)

    Provides a burst of vertical movement in the direction that the hero is facing while knocking back enemies in a short area around her. The ability can be held longer to increase the vertical height of the jump.

    Damage: 10 HP

    Cooldown: 7 Seconds

    Area of Effect: 8.5 Meters

Overwatch 2 Illari: Ability - Outburst
  • Healing Pylon (E / F)

    A mechanical device that can be attached to map geometry to provide single-target healing to allies.

    Healing: 50 Per Second

    Health: 75 Health + 75 Shields

    Cooldown: 8 Seconds (Normal) | 12 Seconds (Destroyed)

Overwatch 2 Illari: Ability - Healing Pylon


  • Captive Sun (Q)

    Illari fires an explosive ball of solar energy in an area that instantly slows down all enemies hit with it and explodes if significant damage is taken by them after.

    Ammo: 1

    Area of Effect: 8 Meters

    Ultimate Cost: 2420 Points

    Damage: 5 HP (Direct) | 50 HP (Splash) | 120 HP (Explosion)

    Duration: 4 Seconds (Solar Energy Ball) | 5.2 Seconds (Flight)

Overwatch 2 Illari: Ultimate - Captive Sun

How to Play New Support Hero Illari in Overwatch 2?

As mentioned by Aaron Keller - Game Director of Overwatch 2, Illari has been launched with a slight buff so that she can have a positive impact through her abilities and gameplay.

One look at her weapon and abilities is enough to realize that she is a support that has the potential to deal lots of damage, being effective in skirmishes at mid to long range, and possessing an ultimate that can destroy the opposition in team fights.

Her weapon is perfect for dishing out constant chip damage while simultaneously providing bursts of healing to allies. This makes her a perfect backline support when rushing into a site, claiming an objective, securing an area, or fighting head-on.

  • The primary fire takes about one second to auto-charge, so there is a slight learning curve as timing the single tap shots will be crucial to using the weapon effectively.

  • Meanwhile, the secondary fire can provide up to three seconds of heal before requiring a three second cooldown. She has the potential to heal 120 HP per second, providing a total of 360 HP every three seconds.

Illari's abilities complement the effectiveness of her weapons. The mechanical healing device provides constant healing to whichever ally has the least health on the battlefield. Meanwhile, she can continue to carry out her tasks without any worry because if the enemy decides to dive she can simply jump away while knocking them back.

  • Healing Pylon recovers 50 HP every second and can be repositioned after eight seconds, which keeps the enemies guessing and makes it a difficult target to take down. Further, the device holds 75 Health and 75 Shields, making it all the more annoying to deal with.

  • Outburst provides sufficient mobility to Illari for repositioning herself or to initiate a surprise counter if her ultimate is around. She can work the backlines to act as a core support or guard the flanks waiting for the right opportunity to spring into action and destroy the enemy with a well-timed ultimate.

The ultimate makes this hero stand out from other supports as it has the potential to dish out high damage while also working as an effective crowd control measure or a choke point nightmare.

  • Captive Sun is a channeled ability that provides five seconds of flight time to Illari and four seconds to fire the solar energy ball, which automatically replaces her primary fire for the next shot.

  • It covers an eight-meter radius which forces the enemies to scatter, making it an effective combo ability that can be used in tandem with Graviton Surge (Zarya's Ultimate), Terra Surge (Orisa's Ultimate), Gravitic Flux (Sigma's Ultimate), EMP (Sombra's Ultimate), and Blizzard (Mei's Ultimate).

  • The initial hit and splash do not deal much damage, instantly slowing down the affected enemies for the next seven seconds. However, if a marked hero receives 90 damage they will explode resulting in further 120 damage in a small area around them.

All of this makes Illari a versatile support. She can take on certain enemies 1v1 if the aim is consistent, by simply deploying the healing device for herself, away from the enemy's line of sight, striking them from a distance while sustaining all the incoming damage.

She can group up with the team and provide them with the necessary heal from the backlines. If ganked, she can simply jump away to safety while creating an opportunity to counter-attack.

Once the ultimate is online, her team can force the enemy to take on a face-to-face fight or send her on a flank to catch them by surprise. On defence it can be a solid ability to push the enemy away from the objective or obliterate them in a choke point.

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Aditya is the in-house CS:GO writer at AFK Gaming. While his understanding of the esports space is not restricted by geographical borders, his current focus lies in the Asian region. Understands and follows almost all major esport titles.