Is John Cena Coming to Overwatch 2 in Season 6 Invasion?

But how will anyone see him? 👀

Aditya Singh Rawat
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Is John Cena Coming To Overwatch 2 In Season 6 Invasion</p></div>
Is John Cena Coming To Overwatch 2 In Season 6 Invasion


Blizzard is running marketing promotions for the upcoming Season 6 Invasion of Overwatch 2 including sponsored streams.
These sponsored streams have random cryptic messages and clips interfering them and community members have been able to spot something rather interesting.
Community members believe that WWE superstar John Cena might be involved with Overwatch 2 and could be a part of the Invasion.

The hype for Season 6: Invasion of Overwatch 2 is at an all-time high and it seems like Blizzard is marketing the release pretty heavily. Since the past few days, several sponsored streams have been spotted with some random cryptic messages being displayed, referred by the community as 'hack attack'.

One prominent thing across these messages has been a hooded figure who seems to be saying something that is not properly audible. However, fans have figured out two phrases in particular, "Invasion is coming" and "Enigma".

Along with this, a bunch of mysterious messages also keep appearing that seem to be random computer code, but community sleuths have come up with speculations and theories which suggest that there might be something more to it.

All the findings, discussed below, basically hint at WWE superstar John Cena supposedly appearing in the game along with Season 6: Invasion. However, nothing can be confirmed at this point in time, leaving the entire community to wonder - Is John Cena coming to Overwatch 2?

All Hints That Point Towards John Cena Coming to Overwatch 2 in Season 6 Invasion

Some fans have speculated that the random code that has been appearing during various livestreams actually describes different aspects of John Cena.

According to a Reddit user 'Umarrii' who formatted the HTML code the font used was titled 'Felix-Anthony' which is John Cena's middle name, John Felix Anthony Cena. Apart from this, there is a linked image that simply reads JC, which could be deciphered as John Cena.

Another Reddit user 'AaronWYL' further suggested that the color font #042377 is the same as John Cena's birthday - 04/23/77, even the background color #161616 could be a hint towards him being a 16-time world champion, and finally the character type being labeled strong is another big hint.

Hints That John Cena Might Come In Overwatch 2

All of this was obtained from one single image and collectively seems to be a significant amount of coincidences to not be true. Some community members have even pointed out that the garbled voice of the mysterious hooded figure, who could be 'Enigma', does sound like the WWE superstar.

Following all this snooping around by community members and all the speculations that it has resulted in, John Cena himself made an Overwatch 2 post on his Instagram account.

It is a screenshot from a 'Developer Chat' stream that features popular streamers like Flats, emongg, Somnus, and A_Seagull. This has only added to the confusion with everyone wondering if it is true or just a red herring.

One thing which seems to make sense till now is that the hooded figure who keeps appearing is 'Enigma' and he could be linked to the invasion of the Null Sector. It is probable that John Cena could be this character but until any solid reveal or official information nothing can be confirmed.

Do keep in mind that Megan Fox was roped in for the promotion of Diablo 4, so it is not completely out of question for Blizzard to include John Cena as part of its marketing campaign for Season 6: Invasion of Overwatch 2.

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Aditya is the in-house CS:GO writer at AFK Gaming. While his understanding of the esports space is not restricted by geographical borders, his current focus lies in the Asian region. Understands and follows almost all major esport titles.