Global Esports Eliminated by RRQ in VCT APAC Stage 2 Challengers

Sadakshi Kalyan Ramun
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>RRQ ends Global Esports' journey in the VCT APAC Stage 2</p></div>
RRQ ends Global Esports' journey in the VCT APAC Stage 2


Global Esports, the South Asian representative, at the VCT 2022 APAC Stage 2 Challengers was dealt with a defeat at the hands of Rex Regum Qeon.
Global Esports has been eliminated from the tournament and RRQ has advanced to the Decider match.

The Valorant Champions Tour (VCT) Asia Pacific (APAC) Stage 2 Challengers Group Stage began on 15th June and all of the 16 teams have played their opening matches and have been pushed into the Eliminators and Winners’ matches accordingly. While the winners of the openers are just a win away from going to the Playoffs of the VCT APAC Stage 2 Challengers, the losing Valorant teams have been fighting tooth and nail in the Eliminator matchup.

On 17th June, in the first Eliminator of Group A, Griffin E-Sports won 2-0 against Made In Thailand and eliminated the team. The second Eliminator match featured Group B's two Valorant teams – Global Esports (GE) and Rex Regum Qeon (RRQ).

The best-of-three series featured matches on Split, Ascent, and Haven respectively. The Valorant series lived up to the hype because both the teams ultimately pushed their limits and fought for a shot at the Decider match.

Going into this matchup, many expected Rex Regum Qeon to win the series and advance to the Decider match, and staying true to this, RRQ won against Global Esports (2-1) and sent the last South Asian (SA) representative packing.

RRQ wins Split convincingly

It was a stomp by RRQ which won four straight rounds of attack on Split with Nexi on the Cypher getting early kills. Despite a couple of good rounds by Global Esports where Lightningfast and HellrangeR popped off, RRQ continued its in-game win streak and extended its lead to 10 rounds. Global Esports answered back by winning rounds 11 through to 14. Following this, RRQ closed out the map with a score of 13-4.

RRQ won Split convincingly in the VCT APAC Stage 2

Global Esports fights back hard and wins Ascent in Overtime

Going into the second map Ascent, Global Esports was poised to win this game since the team was performing well in the first half. Before going into a technical pause, Global Esports was ahead with a round score of 7-3. RRQ mounted a pretty good comeback in the second half and equaled the score to 8-8, making things difficult for GE. However, Global Esports relentlessly fought back and pushed the map into Overtime. Following this, Global Esports won Overtime and took the series to Match 3.

Ascent scores in&nbsp;VCT APAC Stage 2

RRQ picks up a win on Haven and secures the series

Rex Regum Qeon exuded confidence heading into map 3 Haven, the decider of the BO3 Elimination match. Things were off to a great start for the Filipinos as they won multiple rounds and brought the score to 9-4. Despite being multiple rounds down, Global Esports fought back valiantly and won a couple of rounds in return. However, RRQ put an end to GE’s comeback and ended the series with a 13-9 scoreline.

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Sadakshi has been a gamer throughout her life and has followed League of Legends since Season 3, immediately falling in love with the esports scene. Bringing in her print journalism experience, she focuses on content that is both informative and innovative. While her heart still remains with League, her love for competition has pushed her to explore other titles such as Valorant and Apex Legends.