When Is Valorant New Agent Clove Releasing for All Regions?

Sadakshi Kalyan Ramun
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Valorant new agent Clove</p></div>
Valorant new agent Clove


Riot Games

Riot Games and Valorant revealed Clove on 24th March during Valorant Masters Madrid 2024.
Here's when the new agent is releasing in the game across all regions.

Riot Games and Valorant revealed Clove, the game's brand new Controller who is soon to be joining the agent roster, on 24th March during the grand finale of Valorant Masters Madrid 2024. Riot Games said, "Scottish troublemaker Clove makes mischief for enemies in both the heat of combat and the cold of death. The young immortal keeps foes guessing, even from beyond the grave, their return to the living only ever a moment away."

The new agent's ability kit is the hot topic of discussion on social media, with such great potential to make the rounds interesting and electrifying.

Here's all you need to know about Agent 25 Clove's release date across all regions in Valorant.

Agent 25 Clove Release Date for All Regions

Clove's reveal during Valorant Masters Madrid 2024 excited the whole playerbase which is eagerly awaiting their official release in the game. Riot Games officially confirmed that Clove will release on 26th March as part of Valorant Episode 8 Act II and this will be a mid-season patch. They can be unlocked through the Progression System introduced in Episode 7.

Players must participate in the 28-day event associated with their release to unlock Clove. However, you need to have earned enough XP to unlock Clove during the event period. You can purchase previous agents for 1,000 VP or 8,000 Kingdom Points in the in-game store.

Clove's Abilities in Valorant Explained

Clove’s abilities include:

Ruse (E)

EQUIP to view the battlefield. FIRE to set the locations where Clove’s clouds will settle. ALT FIRE to confirm, launching clouds that block vision in the chosen areas. Clove can use this ability after death.

Meddle (Q)

EQUIP a fragment of immortality essence. FIRE to throw the fragment, which erupts after a short delay and temporarily decays all targets caught inside.

Pick-Me-Up (C)

INSTANTLY absorb the life force of a fallen enemy that Clove damaged or killed, gaining haste and temporary health.

Not Dead Yet (X / ULT)

After dying, ACTIVATE to resurrect. Once resurrected, Clove must earn a kill or a damaging assist within a set time or they will die.

Agent Gameplay Designer Dan Hardison said Clove's optimal gameplay is about playing with fire where players need to take risks and trade. "They’re unlike other controllers in that their raw execute utility should be weaker on average, but their ability to contribute post-death means that you should almost always fight to the death rather than cower from your opponents," he said.

Notably, Valorant Episode 8 Act II kicked off on 5th March which introduced the Primordium Collection, a skinline inspired by ancient beings of lava and bedlam. This skinline featured weapons including Vandal, Phantom, Spectre, Shorty and a melee: The Blades of Primordia. An all new Battle Pass also went live, featuring items such as the Retrowave Sheriff, Shellspire Sword and Sending Love Spray.

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Sadakshi has been a gamer throughout her life and has followed League of Legends since Season 3, immediately falling in love with the esports scene. Bringing in her print journalism experience, she focuses on content that is both informative and innovative. While her heart still remains with League, her love for competition has pushed her to explore other titles such as Valorant and Apex Legends.