What Are Eternals and Legacy Eternals in League of Legends

Sadakshi Kalyan Ramun
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Eternals</p></div>


Eternals are a premium champion mastery system in League of Legends designed to showcase personal achievements on particular champions.
Eternals are of two types: the Starter Pack (common for all champions) and Series 1 Set (unique for different champions).
Legacy Eternals are Eternals that no longer apply to a champion but can still be displayed by the players

Eternals are one of the ways to show off one’s champion skills in League of Legends. Eternals are a premium champion mastery system in the game designed to showcase personal achievements. The Eternals track and display champion-specific stats in-game, which allows players to gloat over their enemies while showing off their skills. Through this mastery system, players can boast how many Lee Sin kicks they have landed or how many skillshots they have dodged. League of Legends allows its players to really feel like the “main character” by means of Mastery points and the Eternals system.

Eternals are champion-specific stat-trackers that capture, celebrate, and flex your moments of glory in and out of the game. Track your per-game personal bests and rack up lifetime milestones for things like hooks hit, dunks dunked, and more, while also showing off your accomplishments on your favorite champions."
Riot Games

Eternals track both unique and general gameplay milestones on champions when they are unlocked. When a player reaches a milestone for an Eternal, a callout pop-up will appear on the screen in-game.

Types of Eternals

The Eternals system comes in two different sets - one that is common for all the champions and one which is very champion-specific.

Common Eternals or the Starter Series - It counts the epic monsters a player has killed, towers they have destroyed, and the number of enemies slain. This set needs to be purchased for every champion for either 225 RP or 2,500 Blue Essence or can be unlocked using the Starter Series Eternal Pass for 1,350 RP or 14,750 Blue Essence.

Unique Eternals Series 1 - This lets players track specific stats per champion. Series 1 Eternals contain three different Unique Eternals for that specific champion. It can be unlocked for 600 RP per champion or one can buy a pass for 5,850 RP.

Lee Sin's Unique Eternals

Eternal Statues

The Runeterra universe has a whole pantheon of deities, whose influence shaped many of the religions, ideologies, and myths across all of the modern Runeterran cultures. While the truths of these deities have been lost to the ages, all are still preserved in the celestial realm, shining down on the world through constellations and archetypes. Eternals are the physical homages to these deities who represent different ways of playing."
Riot Games
Eternals - Statues

There are six statues that categorize the Eternals. Riot Games classifies them as follows:

The Warden (Blue): Controlling enemies and the flow of battle

The Protector (Yellow): Keeping yourself and allies in the fight

The Empress (Purple): Superior demonstration of skill in the heat of battle

The Guide (Green): Following the path to victory, or opening one for allies

The Warrior (Red): Crushing foes mercilessly on the battlefield

The Trickster (Fuschia): Deceitful mind games or premeditated chaos

What are Legacy Eternals

Eternals that no longer apply to the present status of a champion are denoted as a Legacy Eternal. These Legacy Eternals can still be featured, even if they can no longer track the stats in question. The number displayed will remain the same and will not show progress. The Legacy Eternals are replaced by a new Eternal for free. Players still prefer to display their stats with the Legacy Eternals to show opponents that they were early masters of a particular champion.

In a Reddit thread, one user pointed out how two Eternals were unachievable for Tahm Kench. Commenting on this, another user said, “Yeah they're legacy Eternals. When he got reworked they added 2 new ones and moved those 2 to legacy. Same thing with Volibear. They still show up because people made progress before the reworks.

In addition to purchasing the Stater Series, players are eligible to unlock Eternals for random champions by way of the Eternal Capsules that are distributed as an additional free reward in Ranked Splits.

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Sadakshi has been a gamer throughout her life and has followed League of Legends since Season 3, immediately falling in love with the esports scene. Bringing in her print journalism experience, she focuses on content that is both informative and innovative. While her heart still remains with League, her love for competition has pushed her to explore other titles such as Valorant and Apex Legends.