League of Legends players know how frustrating it is to make a great escape from the enemy team only to die from a turret shot and give a huge bounty. Escape attempts under the enemy lines end up failing most times since champions take damage from turrets while running in between them. On 10th April, in the LEC 2023 Spring Playoffs, KOI’s top-laner Mathias "Szygenda" Jensen, who was playing Kennen, had a great escape against Team BDS as he maneuvered through the tier one and tier two mid-lane turrets. He escaped with a sliver of HP without taking any extra tower shots and ran to the safety of his team.
Following this, the League of Legends community immediately got on the case of how to escape the tower shots, and turns out only a handful of champions in the game can do so. Even if you are playing on really low ping and have deft footwork, you cannot avoid the lasers of the turrets on Summoner’s Rift since it has to do with the way the champions are built in size.
Here’s all you need to know about the champions who can run in between turrets without taking damage.
League of Legends champions who can run between turrets
Notably, only a total of 12 champions in the entirety of the League of Legends roster can run between turrets without actually taking damage from the lasers. These 12 champions actually have a gameplay radius of 55. In League of Legends, gameplay radius or hitbox radius refers to the size of units, including champions.
The champions who have a radius of 55 and can run between turrets are as follows:
Note that most of the champions mentioned in the list are yordles except for Zac and Warwick. However, Zac cannot always pass through turrets. He has to be very tiny after losing his HP to walk between turrets. It is a bit funny to see Warwick on the list since you would imagine the champion, a wolf, to be of a daunting stature.
So the next time you decide to kill an enemy in their jungle and escape via the enemy lanes, make sure you picked one of the 12 champions mentioned above.