If you are a League of Legends player who often visits the Howling Abyss with your buddies for a quick game of All Random All Mid (ARAM) or two, then you must have come across the little white ball of tufts running around on the map. Poros, as we call them, have a huge fan following in the League of Legends community. Seeing the love that players and fans show these creatures, Riot Games even sold plushies in its stores.
But soon, you can most likely run around Howling Abyss with your own Poro friend, thanks to the upcoming Teamfight Tactics (TFT) update.
Here’s all you need to know about how to equip Poros as your companion in Howling Abyss mode in League of Legends.
Poros take upon the tactician role in TFT
In the latest TFT Dev Drop: May 2023 video where the developers shed light on the traits, mechanics, and in-person event of the upcoming set – Runeterra Reforged, they also detailed some of the new cosmetics and tacticians coming in the next update.
TFT Producer of Cosmetics Meoriah said, “We’ve also got Poros joining the tactician roster. We’re so thrilled to bring Runeterra’s most beloved fluff balls into TFT. And they’ll be exploring more than just Summoner’s Rift…”
With this update already live on the public beta environment (PBE), there are five different variations of the tactician poros, some of the different colors. Some of the animations for these little legend poros include skating on ice, eating poro snax, and rolling on the ground lazily.
How to equip Poros in ARAM?
Note that the Poros are not available on the current 13.11 patch and they will be released along with the following little legends in 13.12:
Chibi Raptors
Chibi Teemo
Chibi Voideye
Chibi Red Potion Sprite
Turret Runespirit
Chibi Anniversary Fuwa
Healing Spirit
It is fairly straightforward when it comes to equipping a little legend on your choice in TFT game mode. But you can also choose another tactician to join you and run around you on the Howling Abyss.
When you queue into ARAM, and enter the lobby, you will notice that there is an option to choose your favorite little legend in the loadout menu. You will find this button beside the Summoner Spells. Click on the TFT tactician option and choose Poros when they are released.
Now, while you are on Howling Abyss, you can not only feed Poros and interact with them, you will always have a Poro following you till the match ends. Usually, poros will attempt to flee if you do not have a poro-snax but now with Riot Games introducing Poros to TFT, you don’t have to fear them fleeing away.