Genshin Impact - Xiao


Genshin Impact 3.5: Should You Pull for Xiao in 2023?

Abhimannu Das
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Xiao is still a strong unit to go for, but he does not share the same kind of status as units like Kazuha, Raiden Shogun or Nahida in Genshin Impact.
It is recommended to go for Xiao if you like him and in terms of performance, he does quite well even with free-to-play setups.
Faruzan and Zhongli are great units to pair Xiao with if you want a better experience.

Xiao is the first Anemo DPS in Genshin Impact and since his release we have seen the release of Scaramouche/Wanderer and Heizou who fall into the same category. Despite the release of newer Anemo DPS units, Xiao is as strong as ever but he does have limitations that you should be aware of. 

Xiao’s state in Genshin Impact 3.5

Xiao is not a bad character by any metric and he holds his own quite well against some of the newer characters that challenge his position in the “meta”. Hoyoverse has done a great job of controlling power creep and you can’t really go wrong with getting him. That being said, there are a few limitations that Xiao has which mostly come down to the element he is from.

There are very few sources of Anemo damage bonuses and since the element does not cause any direct reactions except Swirl, you have to rely on his raw damage to do the heavy lifting. Most Anemo characters are attractive to players because of the utility they offer in terms of grouping and buffs (Venti, Sucrose, and Kazuha) or even healing (Jean and Sayu). There are very few sources of buffs to Anemo damage with Faruzan being the only dedicated Anemo support if we do not count constellations of five-star units. 

Bennett and/or Faruzan can greatly boost Xiao’s damage if you are a new player. Geo Resonance can also boost your damage provided you are shielded and if you have Zhongli, he is a great pickup if you enjoy his gameplay. 

In terms of raw power, Xiao performs well enough to clear all content including 36-star Abyss without needing premium supports or weapons. You always want to pair Xiao with an elemental battery for energy and a healer since he constantly loses HP during his burst. If you have a shield, you may choose to not run a healer except against Corruption damage. 

In a Geo Resonance team you want Zhongli and Geo Traveler / Albedo in your party with Faruzan, Jean, Sayu or Sucrose taking up the last spot. A double Pyro team with Xiangling / Thoma and Bennett can also be viable as Xiao can take advantage of the Pyro resonance’s attack buff. 


If you like Xiao, he’s a no-brainer to have. But if you are considering the “meta”, he is a decent hypercarry unit that holds his own two years after his release. His teams are completely functional and can carry you through all content without breaking a sweat. However, he does require a decent amount of investment and a good artifact set (Vermillion Hereafter preferred)  and high-level talents can improve your experience when playing him.

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Abhimannu is a PC esports writer at AFK Gaming. With over seven years of experience in esports journalism, he has worked on a myriad of games and their ecosystems including Valorant, Overwatch and Apex Legends.

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