Best Valorant Settings for Low-End PC

Nutan Lele
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Here are the best Valorant settings for low-end PCs.&nbsp;</p></div>
Here are the best Valorant settings for low-end PCs.&nbsp;


Boosting your PC's performance to give you smooth gameplay and maximum FPS is vital when playing Valorant.
Here are the best Valorant settings for low-end PCs. 

The best Valorant settings for low-end PCs will help players who don't have the latest hardware and it will help maximize their system's performance. Valorant is quite forgiving in terms of graphics for low-end PCs and the requirements to simply run the game are not that high. With these settings you can make the game run smoother, without any bad stutters. Let's look at how you can use the best settings to maximize your FPS (frames per second) and land all those clutch shots. 

Best Valorant settings for low-end PCs

For Valorant to run smoothly you'll have to change a number of general, graphics and stats settings. Open the game and go to the settings tab. Then navigate to the ‘Video’ tab where the first thing you will see are the general settings. Some of these can be tweaked to give you the best performance. So here are the best Valorant General settings for a low-end PC:

Here are the best Valorant settings for low-end PCs: General

Riot Games

  • Display Mode: Fullscreen

  • Resolution: Set it to lower resolutions such as 1280 x 720 (depending on your monitor)

  • All Limit FPS options: OFF

Although you may not be used to the lower resolution settings at first it will boost your FPS, making it a tradeoff worth considering. Delimiting FPS options will also give you the best FPS when possible. 

Your graphics settings are the most important in improving your PC's performance.

Riot Games

  • Multithreaded Rendering: On

  • Material Quality: Low

  • Texture Quality: Low

  • Detail Quality: Low

  • UI Quality: Low

  • Vignette: OFF

  • VSync: OFF

  • Anti-Aliasing: None

  • Anisotropic Filtering: 1x

  • Improve Clarity: OFF

  • Experimental Sharpening: OFF

  • Bloom: OFF

  • Distortion: OFF

  • Cast Shadows: OFF

Basically turn everything off or to the lowest for optimal performance. You can try keeping Bloom and Distortion on but if it affects your performance, turn it off.

The third sub-tab in the video settings is the Stats settings. These don’t really affect your FPS much but help you monitor your PC’s performance as you play and shows you how well the game is running.

These settings help you keep track of your PC's performance.

Riot Games

  • Client FPS: Text Only

  • Server Tick Rate: Text Only

  • All other options: Hide

Keeping the client FPS and Server Tick Rate on will enable a small text counter on the top left corner of your screen. You’ll be able to keep a track of your frames as you play and see if there are any drops. The tick rate will show you if you’re suffering from high ping or lag. Besides these two options, its ideal to keep the rest of the options hidden so they don’t clutter your screen too much and distract you while in a match.

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Nutan is experienced with content across various FPS, MOBA, and BR titles for both PC and mobile gaming. Basically, she's a Jill of all trades. As the former captain of an all-woman esports team, her roots lie firmly in PC gaming but she does enjoy that one map in Call of Duty: Mobile.