Arena Mode Returns: Best Champions To Play in LoL Patch 13.24

Sadakshi Kalyan Ramun
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Riot Games confirms return of Arena Mode in League of Legends (2v2v2v2): Best Arena mode champions</p></div>
Riot Games confirms return of Arena Mode in League of Legends (2v2v2v2): Best Arena mode champions


Riot Games followed through with its promise and has brought back the fan favorite Arena mode.
For this second iteration of Arena mode, Riot Games has incorporated a lot of feedback from the player base.
Here are some of the best champions to play in Arena mode in LoL Patch 13.24.

In November 2023, Riot Games announced the return of the fan favorite game mode — Arena mode — that kept the League of Legends player base entertained for well over a month in the summer. The publisher said that players will be returning to the Rings of Wrath for another bout of 2v2 battles in Arena Mode.

Since its release, it has become a major hit among the player base. However, with over 160 champions available in League of Legends, it becomes a bit tedious to understand which champions work well in this game mode and which are not-so-clever choices.

When it comes to competitive games, it is better to know what yields the best results if you are on the grind toward the top. Here are the top S-tier champions doing exceptionally well in Arena mode in LoL Patch 13.24.

This guide will also run you through the other champions that fall under tiers A and B so that you have a complete knowledge of how the meta looks like in LoL Patch 13.24

LoL Patch 13.24: Top S-Tier Champions for Arena Mode

S-tier champions are those that are fail-proof and work like clockwork every time you pick them in Arena mode. However, know that since these are "OP" (overpowered) picks, they could get banned before Ayou enter the battlefield.

Please note that all the average placement stats used in this article have been sourced from

Here are the S-tier champions in Arena mode and their respective average placement in the mode at the time of writing in LoL Patch 13.24 and they are subject to change over time:

  • Trundle: 2.21

  • Gragas: 2.23

  • Galio: 2.27

  • Zac: 2.3

  • Illaoi: 2.3

  • Sion: 2.31

  • Vladimir: 2.31

  • Gwen: 2.31

  • Kog'Maw: 2.32

  • Jhin: 2.32

TFT Set 9 Galio build

Other champions in this S-tier category in Arena Mode LoL Patch 13.24 include Zed, Swain, Varus, Skarner, Pyke, Leona, Poppy, Cho'Gath, Fiora, Udyr, Vi, Nasus. Rell, Nami, and Samira among others.

Interestingly, Riot Games has made over 180 balance adjustments to champions for this second iteration of Arena mode in LoL Patch 13.24.

A-tier Champions in Arena Mode in LoL Patch 13.24

While these champions are not the best ones, they work well when you pair them with good duos and make the best out of synergies:

  • Yorick

  • Lillia

  • Ornn

  • Kennen

  • Nunu & Willump

  • Orianna

  • Riven

  • Hecarim

  • Dr. Mundo

  • Lucian

  • Kha'Zix

  • Vayne

  • Jayce

In case you are wondering what the sweeping changes to Arena Mode v2 in LoL Patch 13.24 are, this is your guide. The changes are as follows:

  • Lots of class and individual champion balance changes.

  • Hexgates added to all four Arenas.

  • This time around in Arena mode, after a delay, you can revive your dead teammate by standing on their body.

  • Riot Games has removed the Naafiri, Samira, Shaco, Viego, Lux, Evelynn, and Jhin cameos, and added Sylas and Thresh cameos.

  • Additionally, there are four new items in Sword of the Blossoming Dawn, Perplexity, Hellfire Hatchet, and Wordless Promise.

  • Over 60 new augments have been added.

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Sadakshi has been a gamer throughout her life and has followed League of Legends since Season 3, immediately falling in love with the esports scene. Bringing in her print journalism experience, she focuses on content that is both informative and innovative. While her heart still remains with League, her love for competition has pushed her to explore other titles such as Valorant and Apex Legends.