All Hidden Gnomes Locations in Fortnite Season OG

Aditi Joshi
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>All Hidden Gnomes Locations in Fortnite Season OG</p></div>
All Hidden Gnomes Locations in Fortnite Season OG


Fortnite is bringing back some of the classic elements of the game in its newest OG season.
It has already introduced a variety of weapons, loot pool and the original map in the game, sending waves of nostalgia among the players.
However, those pesky little hidden gnomes are also making a comeback. In this article, we’ll help you locate them so that you can capture them in exchange for XP.

There is nothing better than re-living your favorite game and its elements and features that it initially released with. Nostalgia hits hard and you also relive those early days of glory when you were just starting out on a gaming journey, just like the game’s developers. This is exactly what Fortnite’s OG Season is all about. For a limited period of time, the game is bringing back some of the classic weapons, loot pool and map. 

However, another element of the game that is making a comeback are those pesky little hidden gnomes that you can find to earn XP in abundance. There are ten hidden gnomes in the game, and well, they can be easy to miss.

Catching each gnome provides 20,000 XP in return, which means you can earn approximately 200,000 XP if you manage to find all ten gnomes. 

This season is available for only a limited time period, so you better hurry and get your hands on these gnomes. The event will end on 2nd December 2023.

Here's all you need to know about locating these ten gnomes in Fortnite OG.

Where are the Hidden Gnomes in Fortnite?

On the map below, you will be able to navigate and find the names of these ten locations where the ten gnomes reside. Let us explore these hidden locations in a little more detail to help you catch them. 

Gnome #1

Junk Junction


Players can find the first gnome at Junk Junction. Just land on the location and head south of the soccer pitch. You will be able to locate the gnome amidst a pile of debris.

Gnome #1


Gnome #2

Pleasant Park


Players can find the second gnome at Pleasant Park, camping with his teddy friends. You will spot a camping tent next to the gnome, along with a campfire setup.

Gnome #2


Gnome #3

Risky Reels


Players can find the third gnome at Risky Reels. He will be chilling away in the corner, hidden by a camper van next to it, parked diagonally.

Gnome #3


Gnome #4

Dusty Divot


Players can find the fourth gnome at Dusty Divot, sunbathing his time away, while he waits for you to come and collect him.

Gnome #4


Gnome #5

Greasy Grove


Players can find the fifth gnome at Greasy Grove, spending his time with his three teddy friends. You can spot him next to a big rock.

Gnome #5


Gnome #6

Shifty Shafts


Players can find the sixth gnome at Shifty Shafts. You will need to head to the lower levels of the mines and destroy a hollow wooden wall. There will be your gnome, playing a game of cards with his teddy friends.

Gnome #6


Gnome #7

Shifty Shafts


Players can find another gnome at Shifty Shafts. Just climb the mountain until you spot a big blue bus battle bus. Near it, you'll find your gnome checking out the earthworms, overturned, with his head stuck in the ground.

Gnome #7


Gnome #8

Wailing Woods


Players can find the eighth gnome at Wailing Woods. They will have to cross a grassy maze before they'll find the gnome trapped in a cage. Break away that case to rescue your friend.

Gnome #8


Gnome #9

Lonely Lodge


Players can find the second last gnome at Lonely Lodge. He sits there with a fishing rod, in front of the sign that prohibits fishing. You can locate him chilling by the edge of a small water body, minding his business and breaking rules.

Gnome #9


Gnome #10

Paradise Palms


Players can find the last gnome at Paradise Palms. You will be able to locate the gnome standing between two headstones, mourning.

Gnome #10


So what are you waiting for? Hurry up and grab these ten gnomes fast so that you get an XP boost. This will also be useful when you unlock this season’s Battle Pass skins.

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Aditi Joshi is an English Literature student who indulges in the world of gaming when she's not working. She finds enjoyment in the immersive world of gaming.