All Deadlock Voice Lines and Agent Interactions in Valorant

Heard anything amusing?!

Aditya Singh Rawat
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>All Deadlock Voice Lines And Agent Interactions In&nbsp;Valorant</p></div>
All Deadlock Voice Lines And Agent Interactions In&nbsp;Valorant


Deadlock is the latest agent to enter Valorant along with the introduction of Episode 7 Act 1.
Deadlock interacts a lot with other agents and her surroundings, telling us quite a bit about the agent.
Here are all the voice lines and agent interactions of Deadlock in Valorant.

Every agent in Valorant is unique, coming from different parts of the world and bringing with them some part of their culture. They all have a distinct identity and history while being part of an intricate lore, which makes this title more than just game.

The latest agent to join the game is Deadlock, she is a battle-hardened, rough character who hails from Norway and being a Sentinel possesses the ability to shut down the movement of her opponents.

Valorant players were introduced to her at the start of Episode 7 Act 1 and she has quickly become a mandatory pick in all matches, everyone trying to find the perfect composition of agents to maximize her potential.

Deadlock's voice lines and the way she interacts with other agents tell a lot more about her to the Valorant community. Here are all sentences spoken by her in the game while doing different things, see if you can spot some easter eggs!

Deadlock: All Voice Lines and Agent Interactions

Hailing from Norway, Deadlock has some regional sentences and words in her vocabulary. She also carries an accent native to the Country, making her easily distinguishable and unique.

Deadlock: Match Voice Lines

Character Select

  • Death is not an option.

Match Start

  • Trust me, we can get this job done.

  • Here again, we face our death. And again we will defy it.

  • The weight of our mission is upon us now.

  • The greatest battles ever fought are written in story books, may they write about this one.

  • Nanowire armed and ready. Kom igjen dere. (Come on guys)

  • As long as I live, so does every ståljeger (Steel hunter) before me! To battle my sisters.

  • Ammunition, time, life, these are all resources, spend them wisely.

  • Oh there's only five of them? Kjedelig. (Boring)

Match Start - Icebox

  • (Sigh) Oh the crisp air, the crunch of ice, reminds me of home.

Match Start - Attacker

  • Ready up, first we put them on their heels, then we put them in the ground.

Match Start - Defender

  • Let them come, eagerness will endue them.

Match Win

  • This is our victory.

  • Pack your bags, tally your kills, we're heading home.

  • Å fy faen! (Oh damn) Well done!

Deadlock: Interaction Voice Lines With Valorant Agents


  • Knock them senseless, Breach.

  • Leave Breach to me.

  • Not bad, Breach, a little messy but... Not bad.

  • Maybe next time...(Giggles) Ponytail.

  • Hi, Breach. Nothing too crazy this time, yeah? I prefer writing a simple mission report.

  • They brought Breach. Å herregud, (Oh my god) I feel the headache already.

  • Breach, between us, we have three very strong arms. Don't we?

  • Make no mistake, their Breach hides behind the chaos.


  • Jeg er lei for det. (I'm sorry) One of us had to fall.

  • Leave Deadlock to me. I know how she thinks. I know her weaknesses.


  • Fade, now you're just showing off.

  • Take a nap.

  • Fade, if you run short on nightmares, seek me out. I will gladly share mine.


  • Their Gekko is mine.

  • Gekko down.

  • I warned you.

  • Gekko, keep a tight leash on those creatures. For their sake.

  • That Gekko gambles his own life for those creatures, he couldn't make the hard choice. I will.

  • Neutralize the enemy Gekko and you neutralize his creatures.


  • Harbor, where the hell did you train?

  • Harbor can splash about all he wants, he won't shield them forever.


  • Technology at its finest, well done Kay/O.

  • Scrap metal.

  • Kay/O join me on the line, we do not flinch in the face of death.

  • I will disassemble their war-machine.


  • Skye, let's hunt.

  • Skye, you would have made a fine ståljeger. (Steel hunter)

  • Got Skye.

  • Skye, no matter where you start the fight, we finish it together.

  • Skye, don't get shot, I need my hiking buddy in tip-top shape.


  • Sova, with me.


  • Thier Viper will try to separate us. Stay focused. Stay together.

Deadlock: Kill Voice Lines


  • Ha det bra! (Goodbye)

  • Hm.

  • Kill confirmed.

  • One less.

  • Okay!

  • Target down.

  • Scratch one.

  • Hostile down.

  • Problem solved.

  • So long.

Headshot Kill

  • Clean kill.

  • Headshot.

  • Die and be done!

  • Midt i smørøyet. (Bullseye)

  • It's a kindness.

  • Good riddance.

Last Kill

  • Dra til helvete. (Go to hell)

  • Go and meet your maker.

  • They're done.

  • All enemies accounted for.

Last Kill Enemy MVP

  • Your strongest was not enough.

  • And that was your best one, huh?

Triple Kill

  • Three down

Quadra Kill

  • Four down


  • Is there no one else?

  • There is no hiding from a ståljeger! (Steel hunter)

  • A jotun couldn't kill me. What chance did they have?

  • Try it again, the end will be the same.

Melee Kill

  • Keep your distance.

  • Stripped Down.

Melee Last Kill

  • Let me get that close and you're already dead.

Deadlock - Kill Voice Lines

Deadlock: Barrier Down Voice Lines

  • No heroics, follow protocol.

  • Stay strong.

  • (Sigh) Focus.

  • Their will is broken.

  • Watch every angle.

  • I will not be beaten.

  • No mercy this time.

  • We must adapt.

  • Do they think we yield? Å nei da.

  • Bring your best.

  • Push through any doubt.

  • Kom igjen, cut them down.

  • Look for an opening.

  • They'll learn, eventually.

  • I will not die today.

  • Ut på tur aldri sure.

  • It begins.

  • With me.

  • Funnel them to me.

Deadlock: Round Start Voice Lines

Round Start

  • Combat is a means to an end and WE are the means.

  • Make them regret their choice of profession.

  • There's no need for the enemy to suffer. Kill them fast.

  • You're all more important than words on the brief. Look out for each other.

  • Vær forsiktig. (Be careful) The battlefield changes with every play.

  • They think themselves are equals? They are mistaken.

  • Their death demands our attention.

Round Start: Won Last Round

  • A momentary win, let us make it permanent.

  • Add a tally to the board.

  • Remember what worked and test them again.

Round Start: Coming Back To Score

  • Now they have a reason to be afraid.

  • They have not won yet.

  • And so the battlefield changes.

Round Start: Doing Good

  • I've taken walks more dangerous than this.

  • Okay, we're doing well, but keep focused. Adrenaline is a dangerous thing.

  • Da var vi igjen midt i smørøyet. (Again, we were in the right place at the right time) Good stuff.

  • I was told this was a challenging mission.

Round Start: Last Round (Attacker)

  • Spend wisely or spend foolishly, just spend.

Round Start: Last Round (Defender)

  • Buy the best gear before it's too late.

Round Start: Match Point

  • Dritbra (Shit), that was good! Now we end this.

  • Careful now, their desperation will be dangerous.

Deadlock: Round-End Voice Lines

Clutch Play

  • I have seen death and I am not impressed.

  • I do not break.

  • I know how to fend for myself.

  • That was quite fun!

Flawless Round

  • Jada! (Yes) A-and you're all safe! Very good!

  • Five in, five out.

  • Perfectly done.

Thrifty Round

  • (Laughs) Jeg prøvde ikke engang. (I didn't even try) (laughs) Imagine if we had good weapons!

Deadlock: Abilities Voice Lines

GravNet Cast

  • No escape.

  • Throwing net.

GravNet Kill

  • And stay down.

  • Quarry Killed.

  • Gotchu.

GravNet / Sonic Sensor Combo

  • I hear you, I catch you.

Sonic Sensor Cast

  • Sound Sensor Up.

  • Listening.

Sonic Sensor Destroyed

  • Sensor Destroyed.

  • Sensor Down.

Sonic Sensor Tripped

  • No surprises.

  • Sensor tripped.

Barrier Mesh Cast

  • Barrier deployed.

  • Blocking movement.

Barrier Mesh Cast Fail

  • Deployment failed.

Annihilation Cast



Annihilation Destroyed

  • Target escaped.

Annihilation Hooked

  • I have them now.

  • Reeling them in.

Annihilation Kill

  • Your story ends here.

  • Struggle no longer.

  • You are unmade.

  • They couldn't save you.

Annihilation Miss

  • Nothing there.

Ability - Not Ready / Cannot Use

  • Can't use that.

  • No charges.

  • My ult is not ready.

  • My ult is almost ready.

  • Ultimate ready.

Deadlock: Abilities Voicelines

Deadlock: Spike Voice Lines

Spike: Spawn

  • Spike. We forgot the spike.

  • Of all the stuff we need, the spike is pretty high on the list, er den ikke? (isn't it)

Spike: Down

  • Spike carrier down.

Spike: Defused / Defusing

  • Spike defused. Returning to post.

  • (Sigh) Det var nære på! (That was close) All is well.

  • Back to the important part.

  • Now I can focus.

Spike: Out Of Time

  • Iselin, dette får du til. (You got this)

  • Not today, come on!

Spike: Pings

  • Defuse the spike.

  • Plant the spike.

  • Spike dropped.

  • Spike planted.

  • I have the spike.

  • Spike spotted.

  • Spike spotted A.

  • Spike spotted B.

  • Spike spotted C.

  • Spike spotted Attacker spawn.

  • Spike spotted Defender spawn.

  • Spike spotted Mid.

Deadlock: Pain Voice Lines

Round End: Low HP

  • I am keeping my grave empty, tusen takk. (Thank you very much)

  • I told you I would not die today.


  • Hva i helvete? (What the hell) Where was I?

Deadlock: Death Match Voice Lines

  • Final quarry.

  • One more.

  • There's room for improvement, why not start now?

  • Again, while my blood is still pumping.

Deadlock: Emotes Voice Lines

  • Quiet down.

  • Spending credits.

  • Sweep this area.

  • Nicely done.

  • Multiple targets spotted.

  • Multiple targets A.

  • Multiple targets B.

  • Multiple targets C.

  • Multiple targets Attacker spawn.

  • Multiple targets Defender spawn.

  • Multiple targets Mid.

  • Target nearby.

  • Target spotted.

  • Target spotted A.

  • Target spotted B.

  • Target spotted C.

  • Target spotted Attacker spawn.

  • Target spotted Defender spawn.

  • Target spotted Mid.

  • Fallback.

  • Rally here.

  • Going A.

  • Going B.

  • Going C.

  • Going Mid.

  • Hi.

  • I need help.

  • Hold.

  • Who needs equipment?

  • Let's rotate.

  • I could use a drop.

  • I need healing.

  • Negative.

  • En route.

  • Caution here.

  • Over there.

  • Gun here.

  • Spike here.

  • On my mark.

  • Watching here.

  • Play for picks.

  • Push them.

  • Regroup.

  • Reloading.

  • Rotating.

  • Rush them.

  • Saving Credits.

  • Sorry.

  • Taking point.

  • Thank you.

  • Affirmative.

Deadlock: Emotes Voice Lines&nbsp;

Here are all the voice lines and agent interactions by Deadlock in Valorant, which can be observed at one stage of the game or another.

Some of them are pretty basic and ordinary, but there are a lot of interactions that reveal quite a bit about the agent or her relationship with others.

An easy yet interesting find is that Deadlock's actual name is Iselin. This is revealed during one of her voice lines that is triggered when she is defusing the spike while running out of time.

There are many other interesting voice lines and interactions, so keep an ear out while playing and you might catch one right in the middle of all the action.

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Aditya is the in-house CS:GO writer at AFK Gaming. While his understanding of the esports space is not restricted by geographical borders, his current focus lies in the Asian region. Understands and follows almost all major esport titles.