Rapier Comeback Keeps Gaimin’s Hopes Alive at Riyadh Masters 2023

Rakshak Kathuria
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Gaimin Gladiators’ dyrachyo at The International 2022</p></div>
Gaimin Gladiators’ dyrachyo at The International 2022


Gaimin Gladiators pulled off an incredible comeback to defeat Tundra Esports 2-1 and proceed in the lower bracket of the Riyadh Masters 2023.
Tundra takes home $300,000 USD in prize money after placing 9th-12th.
Gaimin will now play against Quest Esports in the next round of the lower bracket.

In perhaps the most dramatic game of the Riyadh Masters 2023, Gaimin Gladiators pulled off a miraculous comeback to beat Tundra Esports 2-1 to advance in the lower bracket. After the series was tied 1-1, Tundra showcased exceptional teamfight execution and itemization, bringing the team very close to securing victory in game three. One failed high ground push, however, turned the tide in Gaimin’s favor after which Anton "dyrachyo" Shkredov picked up Divine Rapier on Medusa and became unstoppable. While Gaimin moves to the next round of the lower bracket, Tundra has been eliminated from the Riyadh Masters 2023.

Tundra Esports vs Gaimin Gladiators: Match recap and highlights


In game 1, Tundra drafted a roster capable of dominating the laning stage. That's precisely what the squad accomplished, especially in the midlane, where Quinn's Timbersaw was taken down three times in the first 10 minutes. Tundra maneuvered about with great precision after claiming Aegis, claiming the initial objectives with carry Ursa, mid Pangolier, and offlane Beastmaster. However, Gaimin's failure to push the high ground gave him ample time to become stronger on Timbersaw and carry Morphling. The squad won three consecutive teamfights to win in 58 minutes.

In game 2, Tundra put on a dominant performance as the team maintained its lead from start to finish. The squad put on an aggressive performance, killing heroes all over the map, after drafting a solid roster with an interesting Aui_2000 Ancient Apparition selection. The high ground assault was driven by 33's Visage, while skiter's Faceless Void was able to tank a lot of burst damage. Tundra won with 27 kills to Gaimin's four in 33 minutes.

Game 3 saw both teams get their hands on stable drafts, with Tundra having heroes that could easily outmaneuver Gaimin's roster and the latter having a reasonably free game for its carry Medusa. While the laning stage ended up evenly, Tundra began to pull ahead thanks to skiter's Broodmother, who dispatched one hero after another with flawless target prioritisation. The team was able to kite enemy heroes and choose its targets one at a time. Tundra appeared to be on track to win the series with a 28k networth advantage after 38 minutes, but a failed high ground push led to a surprising turnaround as dyrachyo proved unbeatable after that with a Divine Rapier. Tundra's heroes were annihilated as they tried to engage, and Gaimin won after 61 minutes.


Here are some highlights of the series.

Gaimin's streak of winning tier one tournaments in 2023 looked to be coming to an end, but the team pulled out a win from the clutches of defeat. Having never played in an elimination series so early in a tournament this year, the players held their calm despite as many challenges as they faced throughout the three games. As one of their most hard-fought victories of the year, they looked exhausted yet relieved after the series.

Meanwhile, Tundra's players looked shocked after playing three great games but still losing and getting eliminated. Especially since the team had just started picking up some momentum, this loss will particularly be hard pill to swallow. Tundra takes home $300,000 USD in prize money after placing 9th-12th.

Gaimin will now play against Quest Esports in the next round of the lower bracket.

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As a passionate Dota 2 fan for eight years, Rakshak has indulged himself completely in its esports circuit for the past two years as a professional. In addition to covering major news developments, he takes a keen interest in understanding team strengths and player personalities.