Dota 2 Personalities React to New Patch and Hoodwink

Rakshak Kathuria
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Dota 2 Personalities React to New Patch and Hoodwink
  • Dota 2 personalities put forward their first hand impressions of the 7.28 patch.
  • While personalities like iNSaNiA and SirActionSlacks were happy with their signature hero reworks, GeneRaL, Aui_2000 and Arteezy seemed to be annoyed with the new hero Hoodwink and certain hero nerfs.

Hailed as one of the biggest patches that Dota 2 has ever seen, the 7.28 update has brought in a ton of new features and a brand new hero- Hoodwink. Heroes and items have been hit with the buff/nerf hammer while an all-new Aghanim Shards Update is seemingly going to completely transform the way the games are going to be played. 

Various Dota 2 pros and talent in the meanwhile have put forward their initial opinions to this Mistwoods Update on Twitter.

RELATED:  Heroes Can Turn Into Giants After New Patch

Dota 2 Pros And Talent React to 7.28 Patch

TI5 winner, Kurtis "Aui_2000" Ling, does not seem to like the new hero of Hoodwink.

Captain for Team Liquid, Aydin "iNSaNiA" Sarkohi, was elated on Keeper Of The Light’s rework. The hero’s ultimate is now back to the Spirit Form which was replaced by Will-O-Wisp. 

The fan-favorite, Artour "Arteezy" Babaev, is not happy with how overpowered the new hero: Hoodwink is.

Offlaner for Na’Vi, Victor "GeneRaL" Nigrini, was unhappy with the changes to Pangolier and Batrider and as a result, he jokingly stated that Na’Vi now looked for a new offlane player.

Russian caster, Vitalii Nikolaevich "v1lat" Volochai, stated in Russian that it was difficult for a 34-year-old person like him to use all these newly added abilities.

Dota 2 Personalities React to New Patch and Hoodwink

Popular Dota 2 host, Jake "SirActionSlacks" Kanner, who is a great fan of Techies was delighted on the hero’s rework of the Blast-Off Spell which now with Aghanim’s Shard stuns the enemies in addition to the silence it already inflicted earlier. 

Dota 2 mysterious personality, Wykrhm Reddy, made an appropriate comparison of the year 2020 with Faceless Void’s New Aghanim Shard ability that allows him to reverse his time walk back to the previous cast location.

RELATED:  Pro Players and Talent React to New Patch: “Dota 3?”

Certainly, the first-hand impressions of the new patch are very mixed with a lot still to be discovered and invented. Teams have exactly one month to try their best to understand the patch in detail before the DPC resumes on January 18, 2020. Until then, without a doubt, all of us are going to witness some insane things being tried out in the pubs with a speed test of who is going to pick the new hero of Hoodwink first. 

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As a passionate Dota 2 fan for eight years, Rakshak has indulged himself completely in its esports circuit for the past two years as a professional. In addition to covering major news developments, he takes a keen interest in understanding team strengths and player personalities.