BTS Suspends NA Team For Making Derogatory Tweets Against SA

Vignesh Raghuram
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BTS Suspends NA Team For Making Derogatory Tweets Against SA
  • The manager of the NA Dota 2 team Plasma1337x called out their opponents accusing them of using "Cheap South American Labour" showcasing unprofessional and unacceptable behaviour
  • As a result, BTS suspended the organization for its game against beastcoast, earlier today
  • The players of Plasma1337x ( LIES, Stars, lukiluki, aikster, pingu) apologized and left the organization after their manager's remarks.

The manager of the North American Dota 2 team Plasma1337x made some very controversial comments against the South American Dota 2 team beastcoast ahead of their game in Dota Summit 13. In a now-deleted Tweets, he calls them "cheap South American labor" and other terms in a derogatory manner. As a result, Beyond The Summit (BTS) has suspended the team for their series.

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Plasma1337x’s Controversial Tweets and Video

Ahead of their game against South American team beastcoast, the manager of the North American Dota 2 team Plasma1337x, in a now-deleted tweet, called out their opponents accusing them of using "Cheap South American Labour" showcasing unprofessional and unacceptable behaviour by insinuating that beastcoast's SA team is somehow damaging the NA scene.

To add to this, the manager of Plasma1337x, addressed the Beastcoast organization in a 90-second rant video where he compared the salaries of the players in North and South America, where he stated that it is annoying that they are paid a lot less, affecting the economy of the American region of Dota 2.

“You guys know how much they’re asking in North America? 6-7 times more than what you get per month plus a f***ing house. Nobody is going to sponsor them for that, they’ve got to come down, this is the Americas now. These idiots don’t seem to understand the supply-demand-economy.”

He added that the NA teams cannot survive on “the bullshit” that beastcoast was being paid.

“You guys need to ask for f***ing more. We can’t survive on the bullshit that you guys are being paid. You guys are getting robbed in South America while in North America the players rob the orgs. So next time, all of you players in South America need to ask for a lot more money when you’re renegotiating your contracts.”

Every single one of you needs to jack the prices. I think the Americas should be a $3000 USD per player a month kind of region.”

South American Dota 2 Personalities React to Plasma1337x’s Statements

Popular Dota 2 caster Michelle "Moxxi" Song who is known for her extensive coverage of the South American Dota 2 scene responded to these Tweets by stating that calling this “cheap SA labour” is derogatory and “evokes racist images”.

BTS Suspends NA Team For Making Derogatory Tweets Against SA
Moxxi condemned Plasma1337x

beastcoasts’ manager Vitória “Guashineen” Guaxinim Otero also responded to these messages pointing out the flaws in Plasma1337x’s arguments.

BTS Suspends NA Team For Making Derogatory Tweets Against SA
beastcoast manager states that the manager of Plasma1337x doesn't know what he is talking about

Beyond The Summit Suspends Plasma1337x

The organizer of Dota Summit 13, Beyond The Summit, made a statement about the attitude of the Plasma1337x team that was set to compete against beastcoast and suspended them for their series today. beastcoast received a default win for the series as a result.

Plasma1337x Leave The Organization In Response

The players of Plasma1337x ( LIES, Stars, lukiluki, aikster, pingu) apologized and left the organization after their manager's remarks.

Many commended the team for showing integrity and doing the right thing.

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Although some like Michael "ixmike88" Ghannam complained about how “soft” everyone was becoming, Beyond The Summit has made it clear that there is no place for any semblance of derogatory speech in their tournaments.

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Vignesh has been covering the esports industry for nearly 5 years starting with the early days of the DPC. His industry expertise includes experience in Dota 2, CS:GO and Mobile Esports coverage.