Arteezy Talks About Why He Looks Up To MATUMBAMAN

Vignesh Raghuram
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Arteezy’s stream has been throwing up a lot of interesting, insightful stuff over the last few weeks. The popular NA streamer has been streaming regularly. In between his high skill manta dodges, rampages, and BabyRages the player has been offering a lot of insightful comments on his streams.

Last week, Arteezy revealed why he stopped playing in the mid lane and talked about his favorite hero. Following this he recently talked about MATUMBAMAN and why he looks up to him.

Arteezy Talks About Why He Looks Up To MATUMBAMAN

Arteezy on Team Secret Carry MATUMBAMAN

Arteezy stated that to improve, he looked up to MATUMBAMAN, and praised the Team Secret carry player.

“I look up to MATUMBAMAN, to improve. The boy is a beast. MATUMBA has been my favorite player since like 2015. He is just a very respectable guy, he works really hard, focuses on winning Dota, the best dude.

It is harder for me to be a fan of Ana and such because I don’t know much about them. I mean he is a beast but I see MATUMABAMAN practice every day, I talk to him occasionally now and then, he is just easier to follow, he is just more out there.”

Arteezy on MMR in Europe, and NA Servers.

Arteezy also talked about his MMR in a recent stream stating that he doesn’t really care about it that much, right now.

“I think MMR matters to some degrees, also varying degrees depending on the kind of player you are. 

I used to really want to be Rank 1 all the time. So I was like Rank 1 for the last four years. Nowadays, I don’t know why but I don’t really care that much. If I am not Rank 1, there is like some period of time where I might be kind of upset about it, but if I have a certain goal in mind, then I am okay with it.

If I feel like I need to practice, for example right now I need to practice in Europe ping, I don’t want to win MMR and practice on Europe ping. I’d rather just practice and if I win, I win. If I lose, I lose. There is not much I can do. I can’t force myself to win, at least in Europe. 

NA is just about picking Meta heroes. If you pick meta heroes as a high skill pro player, you can probably get Top 10.”

At the time Arteezy’s last match during his last stream, he was the sixth highest-ranked player in Europe.

Arteezy Talks About Why He Looks Up To MATUMBAMAN

The NA player has regularly started streaming his games from around 12:00 AM IST |02:30 AM SGT on his Twitch channel. 

Disclaimer: Arteezy’s quotes have been edited for grammar and clarity.

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Vignesh has been covering the esports industry for nearly 5 years starting with the early days of the DPC. His industry expertise includes experience in Dota 2, CS:GO and Mobile Esports coverage.