Valve Introduces New Feature Called "Text Filtering" to Curb In-Game Toxicity for CS:GO

Aditya Singh Rawat
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Valve Introduces New Feature Called "Text Filtering" to Curb In-Game Toxicity for CS:GO

Just a day after Valve released a major update for CS:GO observing changes across various maps, along with the introduction of a graphics setting aimed at improving stationary player model visibility in-game, another small update was released earlier today introducing a new setting called ‘Text Filtering’.

This particular setting has been pushed to “block profane words used in text chat” and has been enabled by default for all users. This small change is targetted at reducing the toxicity levels in-game via the written mode of communication.

Though it is a great step forward by the developers in order to curb toxicity and provide a better environment for gamers to enjoy the game without the use of foul or unsavoury language, a big question arises in regards to its efficiency. As most of the players use the voice chat function to communicate with other players in-game.

So despite holding the players back when it comes to written text communication in-game, it might coax some players to use their mics. This leads other players on the team to either mute the player and cut all communication with him or bear along just so the information pertaining to the game can be passed around.

While this is just a personal observation and might not actually be the case, it is a possibility never the less. We have already seen Valve bolster punishment against toxic players in recent times while also providing a plethora of new graphics settings to improve their experience, now the only thing that the community desires is the Source 2 update.

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Aditya is the in-house CS:GO writer at AFK Gaming. While his understanding of the esports space is not restricted by geographical borders, his current focus lies in the Asian region. Understands and follows almost all major esport titles.