Megastars’ Paradox and Encore Talk About PUBG Ban’s Impact

Nutan Lele
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Megastars’ Paradox and Encore Talk About PUBG Ban’s Impact
  • After Megastars got disbanded, Paradox and Encore took to YouTube to express their thoughts.
  • IGL Paradox credited PUBG Mobile for bolstering the esports scene in India.
  • Encore asked other professional players not to give up and appealed to fans to continue supporting them.

The PUBG Mobile ban imposed on 1st September sent waves through the Indian esports scene. Yesterday, professional PUBG Mobile player Parichay ‘Paradox’ Bansal revealed that his organization, Megastars, had decided to let go of its players. The move came five days after the Indian Government banned the game in the country, citing security concerns related to PUBG Mobile and 117 other apps. Megastars were one of the top teams in the Indian PUBG Mobile circuit. IGL Paradox and Scout/Assaulter Rishabh ‘Encore’ Katoch took to YouTube talking about the ban and how it has impacted their lives.

Megastars' Paradox Gives His Thoughts On The PUBG Mobile Ban

In a video titled ‘IMPACT OF PUBG BAN ON GAMERS | OPINION ON PUBG BAN | AN EMOTIONAL JOURNEY’ Paradox talks about finding out about the ban and how it impacted him and his other teammates in Megastars. On 1st September, around 8 pm, Paradox reached the Megastars boot camp. However, it was business as usual. The next day, as he was playing customs, he received a message saying that PUBG Mobile had been banned in India. Paradox went on to confirm that the news was from a legitimate source. The IGL informed the other players at the Megastars Bootcamp who were in disbelief. They contacted the owners who said that it would most likely get unbanned. In fact, everyone around Paradox was saying that the ban was temporary. The Megastars roster was unsure what their next move would be. 

3 days after the ban, as Paradox was streaming with Encore, the organisation called an emergency meeting for all the players. In the meeting, it was revealed that due to the PUBG Mobile Ban, Megastars was being disbanded. After this bomb was dropped on them, the whole roster was left numb and silent. On the last day of the boot camp, all the players decided that they would not give up. 

Paradox credited PUBG Mobile for bolstering the growing esports ecosystem in India. He said that because of PUBG Mobile a lot of international organisations like TSM, Galaxy Racers and Fnatic had shown interest in the Indian esports scene. Given the chance, a lot of other organisations were poised to enter the Indian market says Paradox. He believes that other organisations may still want to invest in India as the esports market grows further, with or without PUBG Mobile. He also sent out a message to other professional PUBG Mobile players saying ‘Stay strong’. Paradox will also put out another blog documenting his last day at the megastars boot camp. 

Catch Paradox’s whole video below:

RELATED:  Megastars Disband PUBG Mobile Team Following Ban on the Game

Encore’s Thoughts On The PUBG Mobile Ban

Encore uploaded an emotional video titled ‘HOW PUBG BAN HIT MY LIFE’ in which he talks about how the whole scene initially thought the PUBG Mobile ban was a temporary one. However, even a week after, removal of the ban seems nowhere in sight. Encore also talks about how he and his team (including coach Vinay "HaD3S" Rao) were at a complete loss as to what should be done now. 

He also laments about being the sole earner for his family and his struggles with convincing them to let him pursue PUBG Mobile and gaming as a viable career option. Encore expressed that he feels lost and frustrated that the infrastructure (mobile devices, boot camp) that helped him become the gamer he is today is now gone. The player ended the video by asking fans to continue supporting them through this difficult time.  

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Nutan is experienced with content across various FPS, MOBA, and BR titles for both PC and mobile gaming. Basically, she's a Jill of all trades. As the former captain of an all-woman esports team, her roots lie firmly in PC gaming but she does enjoy that one map in Call of Duty: Mobile.