Infamous Gaming Calls Out BTS For Their Direct Invites

Rakshak Kathuria
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  • Infamous Gaming has expressed their disappointment of not receiving a direct invite to BTS Pro Series S4: Americas.
  • Infamous Gaming stated that they had to qualify through the open qualifiers and were not directly invited despite attaining top 3 positions in BTS and other tournaments.
  • A total of six teams has been invited by BTS for the BTS Pro series which includes the new organization of Arkosh Gaming and a team with average results, Team Brasil.

BeyondtheSummit recently announced the BTS Pro Series for EU/CIS, SEA, and the Americas. With some teams taking a break in this holiday season in almost every region, we witnessed a combo of relatively newer and old rosters getting direct invites to the tourney. However, in the Americas region, where six teams received a direct invite, Infamous Gaming has called out BTS for not including them in that pool, considering their series of decent results. 

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Infamous Gaming Unhappy With Their Exclusion From BTS Pro Series’ Direct Invites

After BTS announced the direct invites to the BTS Pro Series S4: Americas, Infamous Gaming did not hide their disappointment at not being invited.

According to the South American team, they have been performing decently in recent online tournaments. Though they have not been able to secure tournament wins, Infamous Gaming has consistently made it to the top 4 in most of them, including BTS tournaments. The South American team had secured 3rd place in both the BTS Pro Series 3 and the recently concluded DOTA Summit 13. So their disappointment at not being invited is relatively justified. 

Infamous Gaming Calls Out BTS For Their Direct Invites
Image Via LiquipediaInfamous Gaming is currently playing at the Realms Collide S2 where they have already secured a top 3 spot after winning their series against 4 Zoomers and moving to the upper bracket finals. After this win, they took a dig at BTS for not directly inviting them. 

The team's offlaner, Mariano "Papita" Caneda, also had pointed out his dissatisfaction for not providing a direct invite to his team. 

Infamous Gaming Calls Out BTS For Their Direct Invites
Image Via PapitaPapita has stated that Infamous Gaming should have received a priority over at least a couple of directly invited teams considering the results and the organization. 

Infamous Gaming is now set to battle it out in the open qualifiers for a solitary South American open qualifier spot. A similar kind of issue took place at the EPIC League where the new stack of SumaiL- Just Error received a direct invite to closed qualifiers’ finals. 

RELATED:  EPIC League Responds To Criticism on Just Error's Direct Invite

BTS has not yet issued a response to these statements. Infamous Gaming will look to prove themselves by qualifying to the main tournament through the open qualifiers and securing a significant tourney win at Realms Collide S2.

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As a passionate Dota 2 fan for eight years, Rakshak has indulged himself completely in its esports circuit for the past two years as a professional. In addition to covering major news developments, he takes a keen interest in understanding team strengths and player personalities.