Mobile Esports

Cloud9's Sixless Removed From Roster Over Controversial Comments; Community Divided Over Decision

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In a situation that seems to have taken an extreme turn, Cloud 9's Brandon Cole 'Sixless' Patterson is no more a part of Cloud9 following comments he made against Indian players and teams day before. While the decision does seem a bit harsh, it definitely is a good learning point for players and teams all over the world as to how to behave on a public platform and what sort of behavior is acceptable and what isn't. 

[Also read: Cloud9's Sixless At Loggerheads With Indian Community Over Controversial Statements]

Sixless's opinions and statements were certainly quite crude and caused quite a stir, especially in the Indian community with many big personalities reacting to it. The statements did not go down well with most and the tone used was not one expected from a person representing Cloud 9. Sixless is known for his outspoken behavior and has shown the same via his social media, many times in the past. 

While the decision has now been made, everyone in the community should use this experience to learn and grow from. In a community where the average age of players is quite young, mistakes and overreactions like the one Sixless has made is not unexpected. In India itself, players have used far worse language and have made more controversial statements in the past. The difference is the fact that they don't represent a tier 1 organization and the standards that have been set for them are very low. 

With more organizations coming in, the bar for professionalism should only get higher and those who fail to toe the line will find themselves outcast. Reactions to the news has been mixed with many claiming that it was a harsh decision. There is no doubt that the player himself was talented and one of the top players in the North American scene. It's not known what is in store for him in the future and who Cloud9 will bring in to replace him. Hopefully, the situation ends here and everyone involved can move on with their lives. 

Writer's Note: Urging everyone to respect the player's privacy and not bombard him with messages, questions and taunts at this time. Professional players and team owners should use this learning to educate their players so as not to have a repeat of the same incident in the future. 

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Shounak has been one of AFK Gaming’s longest-serving esports journalists. From Dota, to Counter Strike and now Mobile Titles, you can rely on him to bring you the latest scoop and news from the world of esports.