Mobile Esports

Beginner Tips For League of Legends: Wild Rift

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  • As more players are introduced to the game, we note how Wild Rift is different to other MOBAs like Mobile Legends and detail some tips beginners.
  • We look at understanding roles, meta, lane choices along with Runes and itemization.
  • We also look at farming and objective weightage.

Wild Rift has moved to the Open Beta stage in several countries. As more players are introduced to the game, we note how Wild Rift is different to other MOBAs like Mobile Legends and detail some tips beginners can use to improve their gameplay and overall experience. 

Understanding Roles

Riot has developed Wild Rift with 5 roles in mind; Top, Mid, ADC, Support and Jungler. Players will be able to see the indicators or markings 'solo’ and ‘duo' on the lane when the game begins, a feature introduced to offset the map mirroring in the game. The map is divided into 3 lanes, namely Top (Baron Lane), Mid and Bot (Dragon Lane). Each lane has a champion with the surrounding jungle being the Jungler's playground

  • In the Top lane (Baron lane), players usually go for a tanky, bruiser champion with a larger health pool and build a hybrid of defensive stats, health and damage. These are usually the lone warriors which stay in lane for most of the game, and later help split push and secure topside objectives like Rift Herald and Baron.

  • The Mid lane sees a diverse champ pool selection with burst and control mages, as well as assassins and, more recently, fighters. Players will want to maximize AD/AP and look for opportunities to roam to other lanes to maximize kills, push turrets and help out with other objectives like Dragon or Baron.

  • The Bottom Lane (Dragon lane) usually features an ADC (Attack Damage Carry/Marksman) and a Support. As the name suggests, ADCs like Vayne will want to maximize their Damage output, get kills and help ‘carry’ the game. Supports help the ADC by peeling, providing vision, healing, shielding and absorbing incoming damage (for tanky supports like Braum).  

  • The Jungler has two crucial main tasks. The first task is to help the laners dominate their lanes with ganks. Second, is to secure objectives in the river, like Dragons, Rift Herald and Baron Nashor. Unlike other roles who gain exp from killing minions, Jungle lane Champions get their exp from killing Jungle monsters (since the start of the game). This role also requires a special spell to help clear the Jungle, called Smite.  

While any champion can be played in any role, the game has an ever-changing meta which will determine which champions have an edge over others in a particular lane.

RELATED:  All The League of Legends Champions In Wild Rift So Far

Meta and Lane Choice 

In MOBAs like Mobile Legends, roles and where players go is more flexible and subject to change according to the meta. For example, MLBB players usually follow a 1-3-1 meta where there is 1 player in the Top lane as an offlaner; 3 in Mid for a Carry, Tank, and Support and 1 player in  Bot-lane as an offlaner. Sometimes players may go 1-2-2. In Wild Rift, players usually follow the 1-1-2-1 meta where there is 1 champion at Top, 1 champion at Mid, 2 in Bottom Lane and 1 in the Jungle.  

Objective Weightage

Sure, outplaying enemies and getting stylish kills is fun but it doesn’t do much if players don’t use the enemy death timers to push objectives like turrets and dragons. This is the standard objective priority players should follow:

Objective Weightage

NOTE: These strategies are situational, and the right strat varies from game to game. For example in some games, players may want to take Baron instead of pushing a Turret or take out the enemy team before heading towards other objectives. 


Farming in the arms race for Gold and Experience. It sets the foundation for your success in-game. Getting Gold for Items are very important to get ahead in fights against enemies. Unlike other MOBAs, Wild Rift has a special indicator on Minions which tells players when they should last hit and get Gold and EXP. Utilise this feature to make sure you don’t miss any last hits and maximize your gold income. Prioritize killing Caster Minions first, then move to melee minions who require more damage to kill. 

Itemisation and Runes

Unlike in MOBAs like Mobile Legends, in Wild Rift, players are required to return to base to purchase items. These recalls for buying items need to be timed according to the minion waves’ position on the map. For example, players may want to push the lane before they recall so that the enemy team cannot push the lane and destroy your turret while you’re busy buying items at base. 

Unlike Mobile Legends’ Emblem system (which makes the game pay-to-win with upgrades available for purchase with diamonds), Wild Rift’s Runes are available to all players free of charge. This makes the game fairer as players all have access to the same runes. Every Rune Page in Wild Rift consists of 1 Keystone, 1 Domination Rune, 1 Resolve Rune, and 1 Inspiration Rune. Different Runes will complement different champions, increasing certain stats of granting them special abilities. Study the different runes and figure out which one is best for your role and champion. For example, support champions like Nami will greatly benefit from ‘Aery’. This ability will add a shield to allies Nami and damage enemies when she uses her abilities on them. 

RELATED:  League of Legends: Wild Rift Rune System Explained

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Nutan is experienced with content across various FPS, MOBA, and BR titles for both PC and mobile gaming. Basically, she's a Jill of all trades. As the former captain of an all-woman esports team, her roots lie firmly in PC gaming but she does enjoy that one map in Call of Duty: Mobile.