<div class="paragraphs"><p>League of Legends Patch 12.4</p></div>

Top 3 Worst League of Legends Champions in Patch 12.4

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Two of the three champions having bad win rates in Patch 12.4 are attack-damage carry champions.
While both Lucian and Aphelios have been often prioritized in pro play, their picks in Solo Queue do not seem optimal at the moment.
Alongside Aphelios and Lucian, Sion mid-lane has the worst win rate with 44.71%.

League of Legends Patch 12.4 is well underway and there’s just over a week to go for the new patch to arrive. Patch 12.4 has seen very off-meta champions like Singed rise to the top with astounding win rates in tiers of Platinum and above. Playing your pocket pick champion might not offer you the best results in ranked games when the state of the game is ever so changing. This is usually because some of the champions work well in the current meta, while some of them just don’t fit very well. Understanding which champion is doing well or which picks are doing poorly helps players sense the changes in the upcoming patches. Win rates are a good yardstick to understand how League of Legends is played.

However, the statistics only reflect the current status of the new patch and could change over time.

Here are the top three worst League of Legends champions that have abysmal win rates in Patch 12.4 in the tiers of Platinum and above.

Aphelios: Win Rate - 45.61%


Aphelios has been memed upon in the League of Legends community ever since his release, thanks to his overpowered ability kit. He is called a “200 years” champion capable of turning around team fights and can also take on duels. Even in the pro scene, Aphelios is considered a strong counter pick for hyper carries like Jinx. Sadly, he is not performing so well in Solo Queue since his win rate is the third-lowest in the game right now. Aphelios is sitting on a win rate of 45.61% and his pick and ban rates are 8% and 1%, respectively.

Though his base damage stats are amazing, Aphelios still needs backup and peeling from his team to stay alive and dish out damage. His counters and his performance in the lane heavily hinge upon both teams’ supports.

Lucian: Win Rate - 45.11%


Lucian, while played in the mid-lane, has the second-lowest win rate in Patch 12.4 of League of Legends. Lucian mid has been a viable pick in the past and he is a strong counter to most melee champions played in the mid lane. His oppressive playstyle and his range as an attack-damage carry is often seen as a win-condition. Currently, Lucian has a win rate of 45.11%. His pick rate is 0.7% in the mid-lane and his ban rate is 1.4%. However, it is interesting to see that his bot lane win rate is 49.73%. Lucian’s level 2 and level 6 are significant power spikes for him and players should capitalize on these advantages. He is excellent during the mid-game as this is the time where he is the most powerful. He can get rid of squishy targets quickly.

Sion: Win Rate - 44.71%


The mid-lane Sion pick has the lowest win rate in Patch 12.4 at the time of writing. The juggernaut champion has an abysmal win rate of 44.71% while his pick and ban rates are 0.8% and 1.9%, respectively. Sion is pretty weak before he unlocks his ultimate. He does not have much mobility, which plays an important factor while playing in mid lane. His R - Unstoppable Onslaught allows him to roam and gank other lanes, but he depends on his first item for survivability and overall damage. The best way to play Sion is to utilize the bushes in the top or bot lane to cast abilities. This aspect is ruled out when in the mid lane.

Regardless of skill tier and ranks, it is always good to understand what the current meta is and which champions are finding success. The statistics were sourced from U.GG.

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Sadakshi has been a gamer throughout her life and has followed League of Legends since Season 3, immediately falling in love with the esports scene. Bringing in her print journalism experience, she focuses on content that is both informative and innovative. While her heart still remains with League, her love for competition has pushed her to explore other titles such as Valorant and Apex Legends.