
MIBR Left Without CS:GO Roster as Trk & Kngv Request to be Benched

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  • Brazilian esports organization MIBR is currently left without an active CS:GO roster.
  • Their last two remaining players kNgV and trk requested to be benched from the active lineup.
  • The organization would need to sign or assemble a new CS:GO roster before BLAST Premier Spring Groups 2021 which is scheduled to start on 4 Feb.

The Brazilian esports organization MIBR is currently left without an active CS:GO roster as their last remaining players Alencar “trk” Rossato and Vito “kNgV-” Giuseppe had requested to be benched from the lineup. This comes just a week after MIBR had parted ways with Lucas “LUCAS1” Teles, Leonardo “leo_drk “ de Oliveira, Vinicius “vsm” Moreira, and Raphael “cogu” Camargo following the expiration of their contracts and loans.

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MIBR Left Without Active CS:GO Roster

For the first time since its return on June 2018, MIBR stands without an active CS:GO roster as the last remaining players request to be benched. According to kNgV’s TwitLonger post, it seems MIBR was reluctant to sign the lineup he wanted as he goes on to state that “We could not make an agreement with MIBR and the problem was never about money. It was the lack of dialogue and low interest that made us decide to seek out a new home.”

The organization was playing hardball when it came to negotiating upon a CS:GO lineup for the 2021 season and this is where everything started to breakdown. kNgV wanted to retain LUCAS1, leo_drk, vsm, and cogu, while also signing ex-FURIA AWPer Henrique "⁠HEN1⁠" Teles how had expressed a desire to play with his twin brother (LUCAS1).

This lineup had already shown their potential in the few tournaments that they had participated in during the end of the 2020 competitive circuit. They had really surprised the CS:GO community by going toe-to-toe against some of the best teams in the world. But this was apparently not enough to convince the MIBR management to continue with this roster.

kNgV went on to give a gist of what MIBR had offered them as he said that, “I cannot disregard our collective and individual performances and accept a 75 per cent devaluation for a contract renewal. That goes against what I believe is right.”

Having shared his side of the story kNgV requested to be benched which MIBR readily agreed to, this was followed by trk also asking for the same. The result was an empty active CS:GO roster for the Brazilian organization, who are scheduled to compete in the BLAST Premier Spring Groups 2021 starting 4th February.

MIBR in September last year had parted ways with the trio of Fernando “fer” Alvarenga, Epitacio “TACO” de Melo, and Ricardo “dead” Sinigaglia, while Gabriel “FalleN” Toledo had requested to be benched. At the time kNgV had raised his voice against this decision but had stayed on to put together a new time for the remainder of the 2020 season.

Now benched, kNgV also announced a new project along with cogu, LUCAS1, HEN1, trk, and two others. No information about this project has been revealed so far but with some of the best players from the region involved in it, this is definitely something to look out for. MIBR has not commented on the situation so far, neither have they released any sort of an official statement from their side regarding the situation.

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Aditya is the in-house CS:GO writer at AFK Gaming. While his understanding of the esports space is not restricted by geographical borders, his current focus lies in the Asian region. Understands and follows almost all major esport titles.