
FACEIT Disables the Usage of new CS:GO Agents and Operators

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With the ruckus surrounding the usage of new character model skins in competitive matchmaking still going on within the counter-strike community, FACEIT seems to have had enough of it. Cem Mollaoglu - FACEIT Partnerships Manager, via Twitter made it clear that CS:GO agents and operators have been disabled on the platform.

One of the best third-party platforms available for playing CS:GO had earlier made the decision that ECS Season 8 - Finals will be certainly running on the latest patch, but with default character models only. Closely following the CSPPA guidelines, which were also supported by ESEA and ESL.

The new character model skins have been abused a lot lately as they camouflage really well with the background in multiple spots across all the maps, and with Valve wanting to promote these agents and operators by implementing visual updates to the maps instead of introducing a simple client-side console command, the tournament organizers in-line with what CSPPA has to say are implementing their own rules against this unfair abuse of game-breaking character models.

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Aditya is the in-house CS:GO writer at AFK Gaming. While his understanding of the esports space is not restricted by geographical borders, his current focus lies in the Asian region. Understands and follows almost all major esport titles.